Well these past few weeks have been pretty stressfull with finals and trying to find a job and everything else, and along with that Harley boy is growing faster than we can handle!
Last week was my "Graduation," I walked but technically I am not graduated because I still have three classes left, which I start Thursday....bummer. I am still looking for a job, and Scott is going to summer school and working at the Golf Course. We are enjoying Harley, even though he is teething and a crazy boy! He had his eye surgery two weeks ago for his inverted eye lid, and it went great! His stitches already came out, and I can tell he feels so much better. He has already been through so much in his short life, and we love him so much! We weighed him last week.... when we got him a month and a half ago he weighed 20 pounds, last week he weighed 35! I don't even want to think about where he will end up!