Sunday, May 8, 2011
Our Cruise and 2 Year Anniversary!
Our Cruise!!

No I am not pregnant but trust me no one could have resisted this little dress.

Puerto Vallarta

Scott would lay in the water like that and pretent to be a beached whale for me. It was pretty funny, he will go to great lengths to make me laugh!

You can't really tell but the ship was HUGE!
No I am not pregnant but trust me no one could have resisted this little dress.
Puerto Vallarta
Scott would lay in the water like that and pretent to be a beached whale for me. It was pretty funny, he will go to great lengths to make me laugh!
You can't really tell but the ship was HUGE!
Scott and I have the great opportunity to go on a cruise from the 24th of April till the next Sunday. It was very fun and relaxing, and we stopped in Cabo and Puerto Vallarta. The first 2 days we were at sea, so we spent those laying out and exploring the ship. We ate sooooo much while we were there, my body is still thanking me for that in various ways. :)
Cabo definently had the best beach. The water was a little cold but still fun to play around in. The second stop had great little shops selling everything from clothes to pottery, it was a lot of fun! We did miss Harley but some friends from our ward were able to watch him, and I know he had the time of his life with them. Overall it was just so great to spend so much time with Scott, just the two of us. It was veerrrry hard going back to work!
Our anniversary was on Friday, and we did not make any big plans because we both had to work. But Scott did suprise me and had 3 dozen roses delivered to my work. It was very cute/embarrassing! I loved them though and it was so sweet. I can't believe how fast these two years have flown by, I am so lucky, and so in love :) Scott has been such an amazing partner in all that we have experienced. We have had many unexpected struggles and he always tries to be optomistc and encouraging. He is my best friend and someone who I can tell anything and be exactly who I am. He makes my laugh and smile and roll my eyes. He knows just how to calm me when I am upset, and is a great example to me. We have so much fun being together, and when we are apart I just want the time to pass quickly till we are together again. He is so excited to become a Daddy someday, and I know he will be a great one. He works hard for us and I don't show enough appreciation for that. He is goofy and silly and very charming, I am so blessed to be with him. I look forward to being together forever with him, sometimes I wish life would pass more slowly but I guess all you can do is try to live in the moment!
I am so blessed to be part of Scott's Family, as well as my own. They have supported us and encouraged us in all that we do. They are so much fun to be with, and we are anxious to be with them and move closer.
I am also soo proud of my brother Nolan, he recieved his mission call to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am SO excited for my little brother, and I admire him so much. He is coming to live here in Utah for the summer to attend BYU for a summer semester before he leaves, and I am looking forward to spending more time with him.
Harley is still our little baby, and I am very happy to say that he is finally maturing into and adult, slowly but surely. It is funny but when you get a puppy at such a young age, you see them go through all these stages. Some have come then come back, but over the last few months he has really become much calmer and sweeter. Yesterday we were at Scott's softball game, and this little girl came up and asked to pet Harley. Normally I hold him very tight so he won't jump, but he was great! He just sat there and let her pet him, did not jump, did tricks we she asked him to, he was soooo sweet. It may not seem like much but when you have a 70 lb. puppy who is at least twice the size of the child, it is a big deal to see him behave so well. I was so proud of him. He really loves children, and I think he is realizing that he has to act a certain way around them, but I am happy that he enjoys being around them. I can't wait for him to be our child's best friend and protector, he is such a sweet boy and we love him so much. He still like to snuggle with us and yes he is very spoiled when it comes to being petted, but nothing makes me smile more than coming home to Scott and a puppy with his tail wagging, I know if he could talk he would be saying. "Mommy I love you I am so excited you are home I missed you so much!" I am very lucky to be the type of person who appreciates and accepts all the love animals have to offer, he has made our lives so much better and I can't imagine being without him.
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