Monday, July 9, 2012

I do try

I do try to eat healthy..really I do. I tried when I ate a banana a while ago..kinda gross, trying to eat a yogurt..but it is hard. Since I have been pregnant I have detested veggies, some fruits I like but not all, chicken..sick! Most meat in general..gross. It is hard, I want the best for the baby, but seriously I just can't do it! Yeah I could be disciplined and get up in the morning and make myself a nutritious smoothie, but honeslty most mornings lately I have at least a 10 minute battle with myself to get out of bed...rough. Anyway hopefully in the next week or so I will start to feel better..I haven't been weighed since my last doctor appt..hopefully the number is not too scary next time I go in!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Big Surprise

Once again it has been a long while since my last post, what can I say...I am not really a blogger I guess. A few things have happened since last time:
-Scott had his 26th Birthday, which I hardly took any pictures of at all
-We went to California to help Scott's Grandparent's move-it was fun and soooo pretty there!
-We went to Texas for my brother Reed's wedding, he married Scott's cousin Diana...weird huh??
-shortly after the wedding we found out we are expecting a little one in January!
-For the 4th we went up to Park City and spent a few days with Scott's family, which is always fun, unfortunatley they canceled the fireworks because of all the fires....sad.

So we have been busy over the last few months, and kind of in shock about the pregnancy, which was unexpected..but let me explain why-

Scott and I have starting trying over a year ago to get pregnant. After a cpl months I went to the doctor to try to figure out if anything was up with me, because there usually is. I should have had bloodwork and some tests done right away, but I was...stupid. I thought I just needed a little help, I knew that my cycles were a little messed up, and that my progesterone levels were I just decided to go on clomid to try to help my body. I tried it off and on for a couple months..nothing. I really hated the side effects from it.. then a few months later found out I had a cyst, which I have had before. Anyway after a few more months we had testing done on Scott, something we should have done from the start, we found that Scott had serious fertility problems. I was really heartborken about that, because they told us our chances of conceiving naturally were slim..really slim. They referred us to a fertility specialist clinic, where we went to. There I had testing done and we decided to try a round of medication and an IUI. An IUI is what you can do before you move on to more aggresive treatment, like In-vitro. I went on birth control for two months to get rid of the cyst and prevent any more, and so we could get ready. Then we got the okay and I started the treatment, which was basically a higher dose of clomid, timed with a Hcg shot to trigger ovualtion (which Scott had to give me around 3 in the morning to be timed right!), then the IUI, then after that progesterone medication to help me get and stay pregnant. Did I mention those suppositories are about $4 a piece. Super expensive.. no coverage on any of this at all. We did all that and tried to be optomistic, but found out in February that I was not pregnant. At this point we knew we could either try a few more rounds of IUI, or wait till we could afford invitro. Well I was finished, I really felt like I did not want to try again till we could afford invitro, which would be at least a few years. We were really sad but honestly anyone who has gone through infertility problems knows how hard it is physically and mentally, and on your marriage. So we just decided to wait.
Something I did not mention earlier was that back in December or whenever I had the bloodwork done they found that my thyroid and prolactin levels were elevated, which was contributing or the main factor in my fertility problems. They put me on two meds to help even out my levels.. I had been taking them for a few months.
Well May came around and we went home for my brother's wedding.. and I was suppose to get my period while I was home. I always have it at the worst times.. anyway it never came, every day I thought it would so I just kept waiting..and waiting. I was too nervous to take a pregnancy test,so I waited for a week because I was already scheduled to go to the doctor to go over my recent bloodwork. I had the bloodwork done to see if the two meds I had been taking had helped at all. So I went in and got blood taken to see if I was pregnant, but before that my Doctor went over my bloodwork with me and said my levels were great, and if  I was pregnant this medicine had really helped. I had to wait a few very long hours for them to call me and tell me that yes! I was definently pregnant..I. could. not. believe. it. Scott came to visit me at work a little bit later, and I surprised him with the news, he was so excited.
We still cannot fully accept that this has happened, it is such a surprise, because although my body was doing much better, the fact that we got pregnant with Scott's fertility problems is kind of a miracle. Right when we had sort of accepted and were adjusting to the idea of waiting for a few years, we got pregnant. I still can't believe it.
So that is our story, pretty long but there it is. Nothing has been harder on our marriage than going through this whole process, it was something neither of us anticipated.If I could go back or give any advice I would say if you are having problems the first two things you should do are get a few very important tests done on you and your spouse. I wish we had right way, it would have saved us a year of stress/money/fighting/tears/worry/etc..not to mention the lovely side effects from clomid.
A few weeks ago Scott and I got to see our little one for the first time! The hearbeat was strong and the baby looked good, it was very special for us to see it. Then about a week ago I went back by myself and heard the hearbeat, it was 166 and it was cool to hear it. I am now in my 12th and final week of my first trimester, and to be honest I have not really enjoyed being pregnant.. the nausea, fatigue, mood swings, acne, and other side effects I won't mention have been really hard on my body. Small price to pay for this little miracle growing inside me. I have a lot of reservations about being a mother, and sometimes I panic, but I know the timing was part of the Lord's plan for us, and I am trying to have faith and be happy and excited.
Both sets of parents are super excited and looking forward to having their first grandchild! We will find out if it is a boy or girl sometime in the next 4-6 weeks, I really have no clue.
I have not been very active the last 3 months, I know I need to do better, because I do feel better when I work out. Hopefully over the next few weeks I can get some energy back..we'll see. Right now I am dragging myself to work every day and trying to get through day at a time. I am sure everyone is like that, and I do feel lucky that I am not super sick.
Scott has been very supportive throughout the last few months, and I really do love him so much. I feel like a crazy person a lot now and he kind of just takes it..or tries to anyway lol. This is a new experience for us and I think it will hit us more when I am further along. Right now it is still hard to believe there is a baby in there.
We are slowly telling people that I am pregnant, all our immediate family knows and soon everyone will. I am excited for our Harley boy to be a big brother, he loves little kids and I am sure they will be best friends!
I might start taking monthly pics of my belly as it starts to get bigger, hopefully not too fast though!
So that is our Big Surprise, we will be a family of 3 (4 if you count Harley which we do) in January!! :)