Monday, December 10, 2012

34 1/2 weeks!

Well on Thursday I will be 35 weeks, I am starting to get nervous about the delivery and all the pain and everything, especially because I have no idea what to expect. I do know that my period pains were some of the worst pains I have ever experienced, so yeah I am pretty excited to see what labor pains will be I am also very nervous because so many of my friends/relatives have had so many complications with birthing their babies, it really scares me! Even if I do everything right who knows what kind of complications I might have, I guess I just have to prepare for both scenarios and hope for the best. I am so excited to meet this little guy, he gets hiccups several times a day now and I picture his cute little self hiccuping and it makes me very happy.I am not exactly sure if he is head down yet, at times  feel he is because all those hiccups I feel usually seem to be located more around my pelvis area, but other times he really seems sideways, who know he might still be changing positions some. I do know that on my right side he has this favorite spot next to my ribs where his foot or some body part likes to be. He is still crazy active, last night I tried to fall asleep and it took a few hours, partly because he was moving so much. He seems like a hyper baby, but I hope it means he is happy in there. I already love his personality, or I guess what I have imagined it up to be. Since we are nearing the last few weeks it really is becoming more real, over the weekend we went through all the baby clothes he will be wearing for the first few months, it takes a lot longer than you would think to take tags off baby clothes, socks, blankets, etc. Harley sniffed everything curiously, anytime he would see a toy or anything I would remind him,this is for the baby, I am hoping if I say the word baby enough when we bring home the baby he will be able to associate it somehow, long shot I know, but Harley is pretty smart.
Scott has been busy with school and work and has finals this week, I don't really know how nervous he is about labor or how he feels, he acts like he is excited but I think when the time comes he is going to get very panicky. I have a feeling the next month is going to fl by because work is pretty busy and then Scott's family is coming up for Christmas. Then once January hits things will slow down because I won't be working, so I can lay around a lot with Harley and perhaps will this baby to come early! I am still feeling pretty good, my pulled groin is my biggest complaint, I worry that it is torn and that their will be permanent damage to it, but I don't want to stop working out yet because I know I will have to take it easy after the baby comes. So I don't know if I am doing the right thing but I am hoping that after the baby is born it will heal. I think towards the last few weeks of my pregnancy I am going to switch to more yoga and stretching, and less cardio. Walking is actually the most painful because of how it affects my pulled muscle, which sucks because obviously I can't run anymore, so the elliptical has been my cardio of choice mostly. The pulled groin makes my waddling seem much worse, so I probably look pretty silly at times walking around, but whatever.
Scott and I feel so blessed to be able to have gotten pregnant and to be expecting this little one so soon, it is coming up quickly and we are very excited to meet him. I can't wait to see what he looks like, and see what he got from mommy and what he got from daddy. We are still working on a name, we have a few that we like, but we really can't decide until we see his sweet little face!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Is it January yet?

Yeah the aches and pains have really started to hit me hard, lately...I am so ready to not be pregnant anymore. I love having him grow inside me and bonding with him, but man I am over everything else. My pulled groin has not gotten any better, and the doctor said it won't heal until after the baby is born....great. Fatigue is starting to come back again also, not too bad yet, but I do get tired more easily which I know is normal. My belly is always always itching, it is really hard to go to work and do normal things like wear clothing with it itching so bad..grr. Also I am starting to see small stretch marks on my lower sad. I don't know how many i'll get or how bad they will look, I hope it doesn't get any worse. I feel huge and pretty much only feel comfy in Scott's sweatpants, and a few pairs of my pants, everything else it just too tight now. Baby boy seems like he is always all over the place, so even though I feel like he is head down I am not completely sure.
The anxiety of becoming a parent is getting worse too because it is so close now, I am freaking out a bit. I am very unprepared, but I know it is my fault. Hopefully over the next month I can get more mentally prepared, and get our home in order. We have mostly everything we need for at least the first couple weeks, well at least the big stuff. As far as clothing goes I am not sure, I am a new mom so I don't know how many of everything a newborn needs. I also have not idea how big he is going to be..
Poor Scott has been sick the last couple of days, he got sick on Thanksgiving then had to go out of town the next morning for football. Luckily he has two weeks off from football practice, so he can rest a little and focus on school and getting ready for the baby. I am so glad this is his last year of football, having him gone so much really sucks, especially all the out of town weekends.
We are going to be having a very uneventful Christmas this year, my first away from home, I know it is going to be hard but at that point I will probably just want to lay around all day anyway. Scott's parents may come to Utah for Christmas, but at this point nothing is for sure. I had all these intentions of going all out for Christmas and making out home really festive so I wouldn't be as sad, but now I don't know that I will have  the energy to do much..who knows though. Also I have reached my weight gain limit, or what I wanted to gain, so as far as holiday treats go I am going to try to not indulge very much, I have already done way too much of that throughout this pregnancy, and it
Anyway this post probably just seems like me mostly complaining so sorry about that. My hormones are everywhere so some days I do feel really down about everything, and worried about becoming a parent. I am really thankful for this opportunity that Scott and I have to become parents, and I can't wait to meet and hold the little guy. Less than 8 weeks!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I know I haven't posted any pregnancy pics on my actual blog, but I do on facebook occasionally so if you are curious to see what I look like, look there. I feel HUGE! And I am measuring a little further along than average, so he might come a little early..fingers crossed! I know it is bad to get your hopes up though because he could come late as well, who knows. My friend who lives in Delaware is due any minute! I am excited for her and to hear about her experience giving birth, in some ways I wish I was already there.
Yesterday our carseat and stroller came and it was weird to assemble it and have it actually here.. no going back now haha. I think having a baby is like a lot of things in a way though, because no matter how much you prepare or how many kicks I feel, the moment I see him for the first time is when it will become real. I can't wait, sometimes he will curl up on one side of my stomach, usually the right where he spends most of his time, and I will rub my stomach as if I were rubbing his back, because that is pretty much what I am doing. I love him already, I can't believe he will be here soon.
    Work has been draaagginng lately, because I know at the end of December I am done, so it is hard not to count down, or tell myself, o-well I will only be here for a few more weeks..haha. I know that makes me sound lazy, but I really am kind of busy. Not too bad, but when you are pregnant I  feel like everything is more draining and takes more time. Especially now, if I get up and go to work then gym right after then come home, it is already dark out.. which sucks because then I can't walk Harley. Then things like cleaning and baby shopping and grocery shopping is hard to balance it all and still find time for Scott. I know it is normal to have to take it easier when you are in your last trimester, but I do want to try to get as much done now and keep working out a lot until I start to get really big and uncomfortable. I don't know if I will have any complications or when they may happen, so it is best to do all I can now, to an extent of course.
   The best part of this month so far has been that we FINALLY  got all of our insurance stuff sorted out. It has been one of the most stressful things I have ever experienced, and definitely also for Scott. Basically I was uninsured for the last 3 months or so, which is pretty scary when you are pregnant. Now it is finally taken care of and we can focus on preparing for the birth, which I am totally unprepared for. We decided to deliver at American Fork Hospital, which is about 5 minutes from our house. My mom will hopefully be there for the birth, but it all depends on how quickly labor progresses and if there are any complications.
   I have been feeling pretty good lately, I still have enough energy to get things done, but I am getting worn out easier. My knee has been hurting some lately, which comes and goes, and is probably worsened by the added weight I am carrying. Still sleeping poorly but I think I am getting used to it and it has gotten a bit easier. Other than that I am experiencing the normal pregnancy symptoms at this point, I feel grateful that I have had very few problems and that I still feel pretty good.
   Scott is getting excited for the little guy to get here too, he is amazed at how my belly will move and how hard he will kick, yeah try having him inside He is super busy with school and football, so it is hard but we still are able to spend time together in the evenings. It is crazy to think in a few weeks we will have a new addition to our family that will completely alter our family dynamics! Harley probably won't be too happy at first...haha. Anyway that is what is new with us lately, here's too hoping that the last 10 weeks fly by!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Moving along

I  can't believe that I am already 27 weeks pregnant, it feels like yesterday that I was standing inside the bathroom at work on the phone with the nurse and she told me I was pregnant. As far as the whole carrying this little guy around inside me goes, yeah that part is dragging. He is soooo active, always moving or kicking. I like it because it helps me to feel reassured that he is healthy, but man it gets annoying, especially when I am trying to sleep. It is a bonding experience though, and it makes me wonder what he will be like when he is born.
Last week I went home for a visit to spend time with my family. It was so fun, and went by fast. While I was there my mom, mother-in-law, and good friend had a baby shower for me, it turned out really well and I got so many cute things. I pretty much ate junk the entire time I was there, so I am trying to slow the weight gain a bit for now to let my body catch up for last week...yikes! It was so weird to be home and know the next time I would be there the little guy would be with is very exciting but also crazy and scary.
As far as how I am feeling goes, I am definently feeling more tired these days. I think it is because I don't sleep very well, so I am starting to pass out on the couch more at night. I still feel pretty good in general though, I can tell my ligaments down there are stretching out though because I am sore. In general being this big is uncomfortable, but I am more scared about how much bigger I could possibly get....I think I may be huge by the end of it. My stomach gets suuuuuper itchy, but it is weird it's not from being dry. I think my skin is super sensitive, so whenever I put lotion or oil on, then clothes, the rubbing or the clothes or what I am rubbing on makes it so itchy. I haven't really figured it our completely. I don't really know what to do about it, but I guess I will figure it out as the pregnancy progresses. I also have to pee all the time now...bonus!
I hate getting out of bed at night or whenever to go to the restroom, you have to hoist yourself up and it is annoying, and sometimes my ribs and chest will be sore in the morning, no doubt due to the added weight pressing on me. Some days my calves will be really sore too, usually one more than the other. I hate when one tenses up and you don't know what to do..oh the joys of pregnancy.
I made a long list for Scott the other day of things that needed to be done before the baby comes, really it is a monthly chore list. Let's hope we can get it all done!
Also I killed another black widow this week, my 3rd one since living in this house..uh! They have all been around the same area, really close to the front door, and it freaks me out because one could very easily get into the house. Then Scott made me sooo mad because later that night I was telling him how I always find the black widows and have to kill them, and he was like, " I am not sure it was one,"....yeah not the best thing to say to a pregnant lady, never contradict me. I think I  can spot a black widow, digusting, fat, black, red hourglass thing in the middle...anyway even after he said he believed me I was still mad. Anyway...he learned his lesson..haha.
I haven't really had any weird cravings or anything thus far, just my normal candy corn all the time. I do really like these cherry icees at the gas station, but I limit myself on how often I get them. I feels like we still have a long way to go before this little guy gets here, I can't wait to hold him for the first time!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My little ninja

I will be 24 weeks pregnant on Friday, in some ways I can't believe it, in other ways, mostly other ways, I am thinking...okay this is dragging out! Haha, yeah I know I am a downer. I am at that point now where I weigh more than I have ever weighed, and don't feel like my stomach can stretch much more, but oh.. it will have to sooo much more! It's a little scary, but I know that pregnancy is a miracle and I am trying to enjoy the positive aspects.
I LOVE feeling my sweet little boy kick and move around, it has been by far the best part of being pregnant. Just to sit around with my hands on my tummy and feel those nudges and movements, nothing can compare. Today I had what I think was a braxton hick contraction, but after talking with the nurse I felt a little better, and now I know what warning signs to look for to determine if it is serious or not. Now my back is aching in a major way, but it is worth it for this little guy. There are so many scary things that happen during pregnancy  that make you nervous, but I feel so happy and peaceful when I feel him kick and move. It does feel like I have forever to go, but I know that time will fly and before I know it he will be here. I feel very unprepared, especially for the birth, but then again that is probably my own fault, I have not been very diligent in preparing myself. Mostly I am scared about the pain, which is why I know an epidural is the way for me. I have always had super bad period cramps, and if labor pains are worse than those then I am done for. So I will definitely be going with that option, but the while labor thing is just scary anyway, because of all that can go wrong. Anyway that is my rant, I know I have a lot of learning to do, and this is my first pregnancy so it is a process.
I am sure every woman experiences this at some point while pregnant, but these last few weeks I have been having a hard time accepting the weight gain. Up until around 4 months I hardly had any, then it shot up really quickly, which I am sure is mostly my fault, I overindulged in a BIG way. Now I am coming to terms with the fact that I still have a long way to go, and if I keep going at the rate I have been I c could gain way more than I should. I know that I would regret that, and the after-effects on my body. So I am trying to eat healthier and indulge much less, it is hard because I want to tell myself, oh I am pregnant I can eat whatever I want. But the fact is that I do have  to live with this body and I know I'll be much happier if I limit myself, obviously I know I am going to gain weight, but I do not need to be gaining weight at a rate of several pounds per week...yikes!
I am sure everyone feels this way, but I just feel so big, I feel like I look at least 7 months pregnant, and I am only almost 6! Being short is my downfall, it is all compacted and so my stomach, thighs and butt are huge!
Well that is it for now, baby boy is kicking and I need my hand to be free!

Friday, August 31, 2012

20 weeks! Halfway there..

Today I hit my 20 week mark, I am finally at the halfway point! In some ways it has gone by fast but I feel like the wait between each appt. has been long. I am especially looking forward to our next appt. where we get to see more and find out the measurements and things.
The little guy has been kicking and moving a lot! Some days more than others, but it is such a cool feeling! The other day Scott and I were watching my belly and it moved! It was weird because it is one thing to feel it inside you, but to see it from the outside was really cool. Scott likes to put his head on my stomach and feel, it is just becoming more real every day for us.
Harley seems to be unaware that I am pregnant, but who knows. He is always a snuggler so I guess I probably wouldn't notice if he was being more protective or anything. I know we need to transition him to getting used to not being the sole recipient of our affections, but it is hard because he is so cute!
This week Reed and Ryan (2 of my brothers) moved back to Texas. My brother Reed and his wife Diana decided kind of spur of the moment, and Ryan was already planning to visit there, but I don't know if he is coming back to Utah at all. So overall it is a bit lonely, especially since my close friend and her husband moved recently too...sad.
Scott is now in football season as a manager this year...again. Last night was the first night he had a game and he got home around 1:30 or sucks because I don't sleep very well. I am hoping I adjust better than I did last year, but I doubt it. He really enjoys it though and the benefits of it are good so it was hard not to do it, although the selfish side of me really really did not want him too.
As far as how I am feeling, I have been doing pretty good. The last few weeks my eating habit have been terrible, and it showed on the scale. But one day at a time I guess. I am starting to kind of waddle when I walk, which makes me feel awkward. My stomach has been itchy and feels tight especially on my sides. It is uncomfortable and I hope it doesn't feel like this the whole rest of my pregnancy. I have pretty much outgrown all my pants now, even with my belly band on they are still getting snug around the hips. I only have one pair of maternity work pants so I need to get some more soon. I think a few more stretch marks have appeared on my hips but I don't have any on my my stomach...yet.
I am trying to enjoy this stage of pregnancy because It is probably when I will feel my best. I know I have been lucky and had a pretty easy pregnancy so far, I hope it stays that way. Sleeping is becoming harder to do, but I did just get a giant pregnancy pillow, it is a little too big but I am sure it will come in handy over the next couple of months.
That's all for now, I am excited to have Monday off from work! Yay!

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's a boy! Or is it?.....

I had my 18 week appt. on Friday, which I have been looking forward to all month. At first I thought I would be fine with waiting an extra cpl weeks to find out the sex, but by last week I was soooo ready to know. My mother-in-law was able to go with me because she was in town for education week, it was really nice and fun to have her there with me. The appt did not really go as planned though, it was much more stressfull than I thought it would be.
-Within the first minute or so of looking at the baby the Doctor said, it's a girl. I was happy but kind of in shock, even though I had kind of thought/hoped it was a girl. But then it got confusing...o wait, well, hold on. This went on for a bit, then, I think it's a boy.....I am thinking..okay...not sure anymore. After a few more minutes he had almost given up it seemed becasue that baby just did NOT want to open it's legs, at all. It was really frustrating becasue we were having a little gender party later on that it was important to know. Plus I was tired of not knowing. Finally the baby moved ite legs a bit and he got a better view. Pretty sure it's a boy, -okay how sure? 75-80% sure. Hmmm...guess i'll take it! Anyway so it appears that it is a boy! It is so crazy, I never expected it, but at the same time I was excited. I admit most of my excitement came from me being so happy to tell Scott. I knew he would be sooo surprised, everyone kind of was.
I made a cake and put blue frosting in the middle, then had Scott pull out a piece. He jumped around a bit and was just so surprised, because he was convinced that it was a girl.
Now we know...pretty much for sure that it is a boy, so I am kind of adjusting to that. Now instead of looking at bows and dresses I am looking at baby boy things. Either way I am happy it is a healthy baby, but I am looking forward to our next appt, it is the big appt. where they do the ultrasound and all the measurments. Up until this point mostly all I have done at my appts. is get a look at the baby and maybe talk a little about how I am feeling. So it'll be good to have a more in depth appt.
So as of right now, it's a BOY :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pregnancy thus far..

I will probably be happy that I wrote an update on my pregnancy to look back at later on. I do have this little journal but I really have not written in it much.
I am 17 weeks pregnant, and we get to find out if we are having a little Scott or Elise on Friday! I am excited, mostly to just know because every time we go to look at baby stuff it's like...okay well I wish I knew.
The last few weeks I have felt pretty good, barely any naseau and I do have a little more energy. Here are some typical aches, pains, and fun things that I am experiencing now though..
-acne-yep gotta love it, and fyi my acne literally just went away like a yr. or two ago, not completely but it was much better, then I got pregnant and it was back. I had a glow for about a week it seemed then my forehead was covered with bumps..sad.
-itchy stomach- this is probably mostly my fault, I don't put on oil and lotions enough, but yeah my stomach is starting to really grow. I feel like my belly button area and the upper part of my abdomen are most itchy.
-hip/back pain-really has not been too bad yet. On my left side really lower back down halfway of my butt I have pain, walking helps. No other major complaints in that area yet though.
Smaller stomach- I am used to eating several small meals throughout the day, but lately I feel like a couple bites of food does it, then 10 minutes later a few more. Basically if I did what I should do I would be eating super slowly and very very often. Usually I just eat too much
Bladder issues-I have had problems with my bladder for a while now, before I got pregnant, I would get tested for infections and would not have one. Anyway since I have been pregnant I feel like my bladder gets irritated pretty easily, which is not fun. I need to start doing kegal excersizes to prevent any other bladder problems!-or try to prevent them anyway.
Sleeping-when my stoamch started growing more, mostly the last week or two, I have noticed it is already getting harder to sleep. You try to move around and you have this weight on your stomach..oh yeah that's the baby right? Lol..anyway I am used to sleeping on my side, back, and stomach, so sleeping on just my side is an adjustment. And people, I love my sleep. I mean really really really. Some people are like, oh yeah I only need so many hours a night and I am good. Me, I need 8 or 9, and if I don't get it, you don't want to be around me. I get cranky, sad, and just am not much fun. I am kind of worried about how I will do when the baby is born, because I can't really nap. Hopefully I will learn to!
Spider veins and stretch marks- Really not too bad yet, I do have more spider veins, which I hate but it could be worse. No stretch marks yet, I already had some on my hips and butt, I have have noticed a small on on my hip, but nothing bad yet. I don't really think I can control if I get them or not, but I think putting oil and lotion on and gaining weight gradually is a good idea.
Weight gain- always a fun one right? hahahah..not. Actually it has not been huge yet, in fact it stayed pretty much the same until a week or two ago, I think my total gain is maybe 7 pounds, but I am not sure. Last week was my biggest jump, because I really was eating waaay too much. I am going to focus on eating healthier and not pigging out all the time so my weight gain will be more gradual.
Stomach pains- I know their is a baby in there pushing my organs and everything aside and shifting it all, and it doesn't feel great. I have not felt the baby move for sure yet, but maybe when I do I will feel better. I know everyone probably worries at times that something is wrong, but that is just part of it I guess.

I know I have been fairly lucky throughout this pregnancy, I was not hovering by a toilet for months and overall I feel pretty good. It is a miracle that we were able to conceive this little one, and I know we really have been blessed. I can't wait to find out the gender of our little one on Friday!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

I do try

I do try to eat healthy..really I do. I tried when I ate a banana a while ago..kinda gross, trying to eat a yogurt..but it is hard. Since I have been pregnant I have detested veggies, some fruits I like but not all, chicken..sick! Most meat in general..gross. It is hard, I want the best for the baby, but seriously I just can't do it! Yeah I could be disciplined and get up in the morning and make myself a nutritious smoothie, but honeslty most mornings lately I have at least a 10 minute battle with myself to get out of bed...rough. Anyway hopefully in the next week or so I will start to feel better..I haven't been weighed since my last doctor appt..hopefully the number is not too scary next time I go in!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Big Surprise

Once again it has been a long while since my last post, what can I say...I am not really a blogger I guess. A few things have happened since last time:
-Scott had his 26th Birthday, which I hardly took any pictures of at all
-We went to California to help Scott's Grandparent's move-it was fun and soooo pretty there!
-We went to Texas for my brother Reed's wedding, he married Scott's cousin Diana...weird huh??
-shortly after the wedding we found out we are expecting a little one in January!
-For the 4th we went up to Park City and spent a few days with Scott's family, which is always fun, unfortunatley they canceled the fireworks because of all the fires....sad.

So we have been busy over the last few months, and kind of in shock about the pregnancy, which was unexpected..but let me explain why-

Scott and I have starting trying over a year ago to get pregnant. After a cpl months I went to the doctor to try to figure out if anything was up with me, because there usually is. I should have had bloodwork and some tests done right away, but I was...stupid. I thought I just needed a little help, I knew that my cycles were a little messed up, and that my progesterone levels were I just decided to go on clomid to try to help my body. I tried it off and on for a couple months..nothing. I really hated the side effects from it.. then a few months later found out I had a cyst, which I have had before. Anyway after a few more months we had testing done on Scott, something we should have done from the start, we found that Scott had serious fertility problems. I was really heartborken about that, because they told us our chances of conceiving naturally were slim..really slim. They referred us to a fertility specialist clinic, where we went to. There I had testing done and we decided to try a round of medication and an IUI. An IUI is what you can do before you move on to more aggresive treatment, like In-vitro. I went on birth control for two months to get rid of the cyst and prevent any more, and so we could get ready. Then we got the okay and I started the treatment, which was basically a higher dose of clomid, timed with a Hcg shot to trigger ovualtion (which Scott had to give me around 3 in the morning to be timed right!), then the IUI, then after that progesterone medication to help me get and stay pregnant. Did I mention those suppositories are about $4 a piece. Super expensive.. no coverage on any of this at all. We did all that and tried to be optomistic, but found out in February that I was not pregnant. At this point we knew we could either try a few more rounds of IUI, or wait till we could afford invitro. Well I was finished, I really felt like I did not want to try again till we could afford invitro, which would be at least a few years. We were really sad but honestly anyone who has gone through infertility problems knows how hard it is physically and mentally, and on your marriage. So we just decided to wait.
Something I did not mention earlier was that back in December or whenever I had the bloodwork done they found that my thyroid and prolactin levels were elevated, which was contributing or the main factor in my fertility problems. They put me on two meds to help even out my levels.. I had been taking them for a few months.
Well May came around and we went home for my brother's wedding.. and I was suppose to get my period while I was home. I always have it at the worst times.. anyway it never came, every day I thought it would so I just kept waiting..and waiting. I was too nervous to take a pregnancy test,so I waited for a week because I was already scheduled to go to the doctor to go over my recent bloodwork. I had the bloodwork done to see if the two meds I had been taking had helped at all. So I went in and got blood taken to see if I was pregnant, but before that my Doctor went over my bloodwork with me and said my levels were great, and if  I was pregnant this medicine had really helped. I had to wait a few very long hours for them to call me and tell me that yes! I was definently pregnant..I. could. not. believe. it. Scott came to visit me at work a little bit later, and I surprised him with the news, he was so excited.
We still cannot fully accept that this has happened, it is such a surprise, because although my body was doing much better, the fact that we got pregnant with Scott's fertility problems is kind of a miracle. Right when we had sort of accepted and were adjusting to the idea of waiting for a few years, we got pregnant. I still can't believe it.
So that is our story, pretty long but there it is. Nothing has been harder on our marriage than going through this whole process, it was something neither of us anticipated.If I could go back or give any advice I would say if you are having problems the first two things you should do are get a few very important tests done on you and your spouse. I wish we had right way, it would have saved us a year of stress/money/fighting/tears/worry/etc..not to mention the lovely side effects from clomid.
A few weeks ago Scott and I got to see our little one for the first time! The hearbeat was strong and the baby looked good, it was very special for us to see it. Then about a week ago I went back by myself and heard the hearbeat, it was 166 and it was cool to hear it. I am now in my 12th and final week of my first trimester, and to be honest I have not really enjoyed being pregnant.. the nausea, fatigue, mood swings, acne, and other side effects I won't mention have been really hard on my body. Small price to pay for this little miracle growing inside me. I have a lot of reservations about being a mother, and sometimes I panic, but I know the timing was part of the Lord's plan for us, and I am trying to have faith and be happy and excited.
Both sets of parents are super excited and looking forward to having their first grandchild! We will find out if it is a boy or girl sometime in the next 4-6 weeks, I really have no clue.
I have not been very active the last 3 months, I know I need to do better, because I do feel better when I work out. Hopefully over the next few weeks I can get some energy back..we'll see. Right now I am dragging myself to work every day and trying to get through day at a time. I am sure everyone is like that, and I do feel lucky that I am not super sick.
Scott has been very supportive throughout the last few months, and I really do love him so much. I feel like a crazy person a lot now and he kind of just takes it..or tries to anyway lol. This is a new experience for us and I think it will hit us more when I am further along. Right now it is still hard to believe there is a baby in there.
We are slowly telling people that I am pregnant, all our immediate family knows and soon everyone will. I am excited for our Harley boy to be a big brother, he loves little kids and I am sure they will be best friends!
I might start taking monthly pics of my belly as it starts to get bigger, hopefully not too fast though!
So that is our Big Surprise, we will be a family of 3 (4 if you count Harley which we do) in January!! :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Yeah, it's been a while

I haven't blogged in a while, a long while... I think I just get bored with it because I feel like my life is not all that interesting, and I don't have a lot to blog about that I care to share with the world. But don't get me wrong, I am an interesting person, lol.
I am going to try to do a better job though, because it is nice looking back at events, and it encourages me to take pictures, which I am terrible about doing!
What's new: Nothing, but this week is Scott's Birthday, my lover will be 26 years old! I can't believe it, we started dating when he was a little 21 year old, and so naive..haha. We have been together about 4 years, and it really has gone by quickly, I sure do love him! I will make sure to take pics at his B-day party. I am using some pintrest recipes that I am pretty excited about. Then we are going to see the Hunger Games, YAY! Should be very fun.
This last month has been..not so fun. Scott and I got food poisoning one weekend, it was horrible. At one point we were both just laying on the bathroom floor, it was something I hope to never experience again. Then I got sick, and that lasted a cpl weeks, so basically I just have not been feeling too well. And of course that leads to not working out and eating junk, which in turn has made me feel even worse. Any weight gain in my stomach makes me look pregnant because I am so small on top, it's frustrating!! But now I am back on track and motivated to get in shape for summer.
We have a couple fun events coming up over the next two months. In April we are flying to California to help the Grandparents pack up their house because they are moving to Utah. I am finally going to get to see where they live, and maybe go to San Fransisco or the beach while we are there. It will be great to spend time with them and get a mini vacation.
In May my brother is getting Married! He is actually marrying Scott's cousin...weird I know. But it is great because now our families are connected even more! They are getting married in Texas, so we get to go on another trip and spend time with family. I think this is this first summer Scott and I will get to go home together to Texas since we were married, it should be awesome!
That's what is new with the Titensors!