Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nothing New

Well, like the title says, nothing new has been going on.... Scott's last day of school is tomorrow, then he gets two weeks off..woo-hoo..(not really). I have four or five days of class left, then I get a week off and go back, but I only go back for three more classes!! Yay!!!
I am not stressed out at all this semester for finals, mostly because two of my professors teach two of my classes, so it really is not bad. Other than that I have been interviewing for a couple of jobs..still I know! Hopefully soon I will be joining the workforce once again.
Other news..our puppy:) Harley. We have had him for three weeks now, and it seems like we have never been without him, (except for seven in the morning wake up calls). He is so sweet and loving, but is unfortunately sprouting all of his teeth right now..teething sucks! He has so much anxiety from it that he goes crazy sometimes, so we try to get him to eat ice to numb his gums but is does not really work. He is so smart though, he can already sit, shake, and stay. But...he LOVES to dig ,and it makes me so sad. He is very defiant too because he knows it is wrong and does it more so for attention, he is a constant attention seeker. He is super fast too, and I swear he could run for hours if we would let him. Anyway we love him very much and are getting a small taste of what a child would be like...
no thanks (for now) :)

For Easter Scott's family was here, it was so fun! His mom and sister flew up, along with his Grandparents and his other family that lives in Utah. We went to Conference on Sunday, and spent time with the family. I love being around family, and getting to laugh and joke and enjoy everyone company. We are so blessed to have so many people who love and care about us, and I truly do love all of them!

Hopefully next time I blog finals will be over, Harley will have all his teeth in, and I will have a job. But more than likely this is will what have happened: Finals will be over but I will have done poorly, Harley will have put on another seven pounds and weigh 35 pounds at four months(yikes), and I will still be looking for a job..Lets hope for the best! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a fun Easter weekend!! Good luck with finals and Harley and finding a job!!
