Thursday, November 8, 2012


I know I haven't posted any pregnancy pics on my actual blog, but I do on facebook occasionally so if you are curious to see what I look like, look there. I feel HUGE! And I am measuring a little further along than average, so he might come a little early..fingers crossed! I know it is bad to get your hopes up though because he could come late as well, who knows. My friend who lives in Delaware is due any minute! I am excited for her and to hear about her experience giving birth, in some ways I wish I was already there.
Yesterday our carseat and stroller came and it was weird to assemble it and have it actually here.. no going back now haha. I think having a baby is like a lot of things in a way though, because no matter how much you prepare or how many kicks I feel, the moment I see him for the first time is when it will become real. I can't wait, sometimes he will curl up on one side of my stomach, usually the right where he spends most of his time, and I will rub my stomach as if I were rubbing his back, because that is pretty much what I am doing. I love him already, I can't believe he will be here soon.
    Work has been draaagginng lately, because I know at the end of December I am done, so it is hard not to count down, or tell myself, o-well I will only be here for a few more weeks..haha. I know that makes me sound lazy, but I really am kind of busy. Not too bad, but when you are pregnant I  feel like everything is more draining and takes more time. Especially now, if I get up and go to work then gym right after then come home, it is already dark out.. which sucks because then I can't walk Harley. Then things like cleaning and baby shopping and grocery shopping is hard to balance it all and still find time for Scott. I know it is normal to have to take it easier when you are in your last trimester, but I do want to try to get as much done now and keep working out a lot until I start to get really big and uncomfortable. I don't know if I will have any complications or when they may happen, so it is best to do all I can now, to an extent of course.
   The best part of this month so far has been that we FINALLY  got all of our insurance stuff sorted out. It has been one of the most stressful things I have ever experienced, and definitely also for Scott. Basically I was uninsured for the last 3 months or so, which is pretty scary when you are pregnant. Now it is finally taken care of and we can focus on preparing for the birth, which I am totally unprepared for. We decided to deliver at American Fork Hospital, which is about 5 minutes from our house. My mom will hopefully be there for the birth, but it all depends on how quickly labor progresses and if there are any complications.
   I have been feeling pretty good lately, I still have enough energy to get things done, but I am getting worn out easier. My knee has been hurting some lately, which comes and goes, and is probably worsened by the added weight I am carrying. Still sleeping poorly but I think I am getting used to it and it has gotten a bit easier. Other than that I am experiencing the normal pregnancy symptoms at this point, I feel grateful that I have had very few problems and that I still feel pretty good.
   Scott is getting excited for the little guy to get here too, he is amazed at how my belly will move and how hard he will kick, yeah try having him inside He is super busy with school and football, so it is hard but we still are able to spend time together in the evenings. It is crazy to think in a few weeks we will have a new addition to our family that will completely alter our family dynamics! Harley probably won't be too happy at first...haha. Anyway that is what is new with us lately, here's too hoping that the last 10 weeks fly by!

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