Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Scott and I are soooooo EXCITED to be going home for Christmas in a week and a half. Not the driving 20 hours part, but that is what happens when you have a puppy. Anyway, it is going to be so awesome to spend time with family and friends, we just can't wait!

Scott is finishing his classes this week, he just has to take his finals then he is done for a few weeks. I can't wait till he gradutes so we can leave sorry but it is true. I just miss my family so much so I really hope we can end up back there soon.

I am currently working at a Dental Lab in Provo, it is busy and long hours but I feel blessed to have a job, especially with the economy the way it is right now. It sucks to be away from Scott and Harley so much, and every night I am exhausted when I get home. But a paycheck is a paycheck right?

Harley is almost a year old! I cannot believe it, he is our sweet baby and we love him so much, he has finally mellowed out a but and is becoming a cuddler. He got his very own dog bed recently and likes to curl up in it. I am excited to bring him home, he is going to love all the attention from family members.

My nose is healing pretty well since the surgery, the left side is very clear, the right side is still swollen it seems but I think it will go down over the next month.

I am so thankful for my loving husband and puppy, and all my family. We are blessed in so many ways and our time together really has flown by. Scott and I have been married for over a year and a half now, it's crazy! We have had way more problems than I could have ever imagined in the first two years of marriage. (Health problems, job problems, etc.) but.. through it all we have grown closer, and we are so much stronger as a couple than ever before. It is a great feeling to know that if you work hard and put your trust in the Lord, he will help you work through anything that comes your way. I am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with a husband who tells me I am beautiful constantly, who does the dishes, and who I know sincerely loves for me more than anything and always will.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life Lately..

It has been a while since my last post, quite a bit has been going on the last few weeks.
I got a JOB! woo-hoo, it is kind if just starting up right now, but looks permanent. It is at a dental lab in Provo, where I will be making dental molds along with other things. It is complicated and hard to explain so I won't even try. I am so lucky that the man who offered me the job was so nice and helpful, he took a chance on me based off my personality and I know my prayers were answered the day I met him. I feel so blessed, I have a lot to learn and the work will be hard but it will be a rewarding experience. I have only worked three days there so far, I had to take off Friday through Wednesday because I had surgery on my nose. It is so funny whenever I say that I know people automatically think I had a rhinoplasty, a nose job basically. But what I had was a septoplasty and a turbosplasty. Basically my septum was deviated and my turbinates were too big so it was very difficult for me to breathe through my nose. Let me just say, the surgery went very well, I have been in very little pain throughout the whole thing. I am sure if I had gotten a rhinoplasty as well (which many people do) I would be in much more pain, but for me it has been okay. Right after the surgery my throat hurt really bad because of the breathing tube, other than that I have been pretty comfortable. The worst part is the bleeding, it takes a few days to stop. Of course I had to start a new job right when I had scheduled this surgery, but o well. It is a pain to have to take time off work, especially because now it is the fourth day of recovery and I fell pretty good, but my nose is still gross and leaky, so I am kind of annoyed. So for anyone who has considered this surgery but been afraid, it really is not painful, they put splints in your nose and you have to have them in for a week, they are really annoying but that is really the worst part. My poor puppy has been neglected because I can't really play with him, I am a bad mommy this week. :(
Scott had been such a sweetheart over the past few days, I love him so much. The first few days he waited on me hand and foot literally, getting me everything, checking on me, everything. I have really seen how much he loves me over the past few days, he had taken care of me better than anyone could have, and he has not complained once. He waited for me during the surgery, which is long when you add prep time and recovery time. He told me a million times that it would be okay and he was right there when I woke up. I love him so much and am so thankful that I get to spend my life with him!

One bad thing that did happen during my surgery, those stupid nurses dooo nooot listen. I told several of them that I am allergic to adhesives, and they all seemed to understand. But what do you know I get home and their is a sticky bandage on my arm...great. You should see it now it is very pretty, all scabbed over and disgusting like a patch of leprosy. Great.....

Other news: Scott's family is coming for Thanksgiving! We are so excited to see them, we love them so much. It is going to be really fun to spend Thanksgiving in Park City, my favorite place in Utah!
Scott is busy working hard in school and as a football manager, the season is almost over and I think he is ready for that.
Harley is as cute as ever, he is finally cooling down a bit, not a hyper as he used to be. So far he has loved the snow! He just does not like being inside all day..poor guy.
Harry Potter at midnight this week! I know I will regret staying up all night then going to work but who cares!!!!! Yay

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tribute to Harry Potter

I love Harry Potter! I have read the books several times, watch the movies all the time, love it! Their will never be another series that captures my heart the way Harry Potter has. :)

I love fantasy, especially something that is so easy to get comsumed in like Harry Potter. Twilight is good yes, but it lacks a realistic quality. You might think that is crazy, for me to say that Harry Potter is more realistic than Twilight, but just think about it for a second. Harry Potter is magical, but other than that it is centered around real people. Twilight is based off of vampires, one who loves a girl so much, and so unrealistically, that once you are done reading reading it you feel like no guy could ever be good enough. I guess that is probably why I prefer Harry Potter, and it is just waaayyy better in general.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

This Fall...

Utah has the most beautiful fall seasons I have ever seen, granted I have not been too many places... But the colors the leaves change, the red mountains, everything is so pretty. My favorite fall color is yellow, because their are so many different shades of yellow here, the leaves range from golden yellow all the way to neon yellow.

I don't enjoy the cold very much, it requires so much bundling up and layering. My house is about 1,000 yrs. old and made of cement or something that traps all the cold in it, so I am constantly cold, especially my feet. In my anthropology class last year I learned about eskimos, and how their bodies adapted to the cold by improving their blood circulation over time. Well, my mom and I both have really poor circulation, seriously my feet feel like ice blocks most of the time. I hate it!

We can't really tell yet how Harley will do in the cold weather, he loves the snow and seems to like being outside in it, as long as we are out there with him...he likes to run along the ground with his mouth open and scoop it up, it's so funny!

We are excited for Thanksgiving, and the chance we get to spend it with Family, YAY!

Scott and I are both still busy, he is working hard in all his classes,and I am still desperately trying to find a job, as my part time job is about to end! YIKES! We are about to celebrate 1 1/2 of marriage, it has flown by and I love him so much :) We have had so many challenges throughout the last few years, and our relationship has grown so much. I feel very thankful and blessed for all that we have and all the support we have from loving family members. The Holidays are really a time when I feel really grateful for the life I have been given.



Thursday, October 21, 2010

Smoothie time!

As my family knows, I love making smoothies. I told Scott the other day that I am going to open up a smoothie shop Actually I just want to come up with the smoothies, the running my own store thing would not go so well. But I actually am really talented at coming up with delicious flavors, lol.... but I guess it is not that hard. I try to make them every day, and Scott and I usually have them with dinner, they are great because you can get a few servings of fruit in them, and they taste so good. You can basically throw together any fruit, some juice, a little yogurt, ice, and BAM! Smoothie time. One of my favorites goes like this, and I never measure things so I am guessing for a lot of the ingredients.

1 Banana

1 cup strawberries (or pineapple)

1 cup blueberries

1/4 cup any flavor yogurt

1/2 cup vanilla soy milk (or regular milk)

1/4 cup pomergranate juice

1/2 cup orange juice

3 tbs sugar( I like things very sweet)

3 cups of ice (more or less depending on the consistency you like)

-if it turns out too thick, add 1/2 cup of water.

* I put in a few tsp. of orange benefiber, it adds flavor and fiber!-but if you put it only put in 1 tbs. of sugar, because it is very sweet.


Something that is also great to do is if you have a juicer, you can juice apples, carrots, oranges, anything, and put that in too. And if you have watermelon, try it out in a smoothie sometime. Don't make it the main fruit, just add a cup in to whatever you are making, it makes it so creamy and yummy!

My recipies usually make enough for two big glasses and a little leftover. Sometimes I freeze the extra and eat it the next day, use it as a replacement for sorbet!!
Enjoy :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Isn't it Ironic?

For the last two months I have had knee problems. It started out with a little pain in my right knee and got progressively worse. I thought it was because I had been going to this weight-lifting class, because it involved tons of lunges and squats. Good for the butt, hard on the knees. Anyway, I stopped doing pretty much all physical activity, apart from a little swimming, cycling, and walking. It has been so hard because it takes me so long to get in shape, and I had no choice but to stop running, which I have been doing since high school.
Anyway long story short, I went to a Sports Med Doctor, he took a look at me, and of course my knee is just rubbing the wrong way, it happens to a lot of women, you just have to live with it. My hips are a little misaligned, bla bla bla. I absolutely hate when it ends up being something I "just have to manage and live with." Anyway some advice for everyone, women especially, it is really important to do things like yoga and pilates, because it helps to align your hips and helps your knees to work properly as well. I had not been doing pilates, and I think that plus not enough stretching plus bad knees and bad back = knee problems. Now I am doing physical therapy every day, which is basically pilates. It is so hard!! I am sore every day.

The ironic part of this story, is that, throughout all this, I have gotten smaller... But it is just because I have lost muscle, so I can't say I am thrilled about it. Plus, when you have a bum as large as mine, running and weight-lifting are what defies gravity, so that sucks..for now anyway. Hopefully I can gradually start running again. But it does feel nice to be a little smaller, I am not going to lie :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life Lately

Love is in the air.......

he still loves to snuggle!!

devil child!!!

he looks like and old man here...


We can't believe how grown up he is now!! As you could see in one of the pictures, he is still getting into trouble sometimes, but we are hoping that phase will be over..SOON! We thought at the rate he was growing that he would get to be at least 80 lbs, but he has not gained any weight lately, so we are thinking maybe he will stay at 60, hopefully...

Scott and I: Busy Busy..Scott is going to school and working, I am working, graduated, and looking for full time work. When we are not doing those things we like to play, and spend time with each other and Harley.

I am a horrible blogger, I can't even separate the pictures the way I want, but o-well... at least I put up some pictures!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Too Healthy= YUCK!

This morning in an effort to be sweet I made breakfast for Scott. He loves pancakes, waffles, all of that. So I made waffles, or at least I tried to....The problem with me is that I can't follow a recipe to save my life, just can't. I always try to make improvements, usually to make things healthier. But this morning I went wayyyy overboard! Instead of using only 1/2 cup of wheat flour I used 1 1/2, and I also added flaxseed or whatever that nutty tasting stuff is called. Needless to say, they tasted, and resembled, cardboard.. :( Pools of syrup could not even save them, it was sad. But from now on I am going to deviate much less from recipes, after all no one wants to eat cardboard, even someone as loving and sweet as Scott. :)

Side note: Today Harley managed to (in under 2 minutes), pull a bag of trash out of our trash bin outside, rip it open, and happily scatter it across our entire yard. When Scott finally went out there, Harley ran for cover, knowing the crime he had committed. Can you say bad puppy???
I was not there so unfortunately... I missed the cleaning up process. Don't worry though, their are many more to come.

Scott and I have both been so busy lately, it is so hard to only see each other for a few hours a day. I miss him when he is gone, and think about him throughout the day. I love him so much, life with him is one of a kind, and his smile is my favorite thing to picture when I am happy or sad, or feeling any emotion. He is so loving and supportive, and I am so blessed to have him in my life. When you love someone so much, and you realize how short this life is, it seems impossible to comprehend being without them. But I know we will always be together, no matter what, and I look forward to our forever together. Each day we have the opportunity to grow and mature in so many ways, and it is one of my goals to end each day knowing that I have grown in some way, as small as it may be.
I love you Scott, I love your blue eyes(and the creases around them), I love your smile and your laugh, I love your hair and your kisses. I love your unconditional love that you give me each day, I love the hard work you put in to our family and our goals. I love the way we started and the way we still are. You are my best friend. I love you Scott.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

Today we took Harley to the dog park for the first time! He had sooooo much fun. Combine his love for people with his love for dogs, and he was in absolute heaven. He did really well too, we are going to try to make it a weekly thing, too bad it is 20 minutes away!
today was probably one of the happiest days of Harley's life. :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We think that Harley may have gotten past his -waking up in the middle of the night and wanting to play- phase. When we first got him he was three months old and we expected it, but then he grew out of it around six months, then it came back... and it lasted for several weeks....the long nights included:
-Scott sleeping through Harley whining (Scott is an incredibally deep sleeper, I am an incredibally light sleeper, I can see that hurting me and only benefiting him in the future.......)
-me shoving Scott until he woke up:) (only when it was his turn to watch him)
-me waking up pretty much every morning to find my husband sleeping on the couch(sad)
-absolutely no snuggle time-(that is also partly because it is so HOT in our house)

So overall we are very happy, this morning I actually woke up before him! There is nothing cuter than a sleepy puppy!
I have taken quite a few pictures of him lately so I will be sure to put them up, he is growing like a weed!!!

These last 8 months of having Harley have really shown me the importance of being ready for things, and all the work that it takes when you are responsible for a living breathing life form!
When we got him I was soooo ready (I thought), I had been waiting to take him home for two weeks and I just wanted to get him out of that shelter. I loved him the moment I saw him and picked him up.
The first 3 days were soo hard!!! I had a bit of a breakdown, I have a hard time with adjustments and it all hit me at once. He was sad and in pain and it hurt me to see him in pain.
Also, the sleep deprivation did not help. From the moment we brought him home he was ours, everthing we did from that point on had to include him. Our schedules had to be cooridnated so he would never be alone too long. Our house had to be puppr proof-ed, and still does every day before we leave the house! "Did you feed him, did you walk him, did you on and on......) Every time I go somewhere my thoughts are never far from him, if he is okay, if he misses us, if he is getting into mischeif...... the best part of the day is coming home and seeing him come around the corner of our house. He crouches down and waits to spring up and chase me, he is always happy to see us. If he is sad or bored he comes in our room at night and cries until I get out of bed, he never wants to be too far from us.
One of the cutest things about Harley is his willingness to please and his need for us to be together. He is most happy when Scott and I are together. If one of us is in the bedroom and the other in the living room, he will first bring the toy to one of us, then the other. He has never favored one of us more, and when Scott is gone I can always tell that Harley is just waiting for him to be home.
Harley loves us unconditionally, so even when he annoys me, I will remember that he would never get tired of me, leave me, hurt me, or talk bad about me. He is our little baby all grown up now and we sure do love him!

I love all the joy and happiness Harley has brought to Scott and I, and we have grown up a lot. I have realized that if a puppy is a ton of work, what will a child be like!! Yikes!
But I have learned that when you embark on something new, like getting a puppy, you have to take the good and bad and the responsibility. The bills, the time, the energy. It is worth it when I see him sleeping contently having his puppy dreams. He is so inncoent and he has already had a really rough life, I can't believe that there are people out there who are so horrible that they abandon helpless puppies, but their are.
Being able to give one animal a happy healthy life is more rewarding than most people realize. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The sad Truth.....

So long my old friend.......................
I loveee cool whip, I mean love it like I eat a tub a week, by myself. It is weird because normally I am very good at knowing what is in my food, but for some reason I had never read the ingredients for cool whip. I always just looked at the fat content, shame on me.

Well as I was enjoying some cool whip the other day I did read what was in it....crap! And that is what is in it too, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated coconut oil (basically the worst thing ever), and more suger. I was so sad because I had used cool whip as a substitute for more fattening desserts, turns out I have not been doing myself any favors.

So, no more tub-a-week for me, although I am still going to enjoy it, I will enjoy a lot less of it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Job Anyone?

So I recently got a job in June working as a server at a country club. It has been good so far, just another college job right? Except that I graduated last week...... so right now I am in that limbo stage that seems to be lasting forever, but only because I have been looking for a full time job since January.

I grauduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology, which means I can do a lot of things but finding something specific is really really hard. And trust me I have tried, I have had interviews and networked and spent countless hours online searching, but this is Utah and pretty much everyone is doing the same thing. Everyone is a recent college graduate, everyone is qualified and everyone is looking for work. I have a lot of interests, I love working with people and have a few specific things that I really enjoy and would love to work in:

prevention of childhood obesity

educating of new mothers

therapy-with young children or adults, no teens!

Right now I am doing an internship for Welcome Baby, which I am really enjoying so far and am learning a lot. But I feel hopeless when I think about the future and finding something permanent.

Anyway I know networking is huge, and even though I am sure not very many people have ever even glanced at this blog, If anyone has any job openings where they work or hear of anything you think would interest me, please please let me know! I would truly appreciate it! And it does not neccessarily have to be realted to those three things, any full time opportunity would interest me:)

you can always e-mail me too,


Other news: Scott and I honestly come home now every day and just stare at Harley, he will not stop growing. All we can say is "Oh my gosh he grew while I was gone!" When he stands up on his back legs his head touches my chin! He is still our baby though, trust me. He is doing so much better now since we started feeding him Science Diet, he never gets an upset stomach and he eats all his food.

Scott has been doing two-a-days for the BYU football team, working as a football mananger, so we have spent very little time together lately:( He sure does love his job though... wish I could say the same.

Also, I am going to be 23 on Friday! It seems old but I don't feel any different so whatever, maybe when I am 25. We'll see.....

Friday, August 20, 2010

What I Love

I love:

The Lord and everything he has given me

My husband

My famliy and friends

My sweet puppy

My job

My health

And all the opportunities and experiences I have had throughout my 23 years of life.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Thoughts

This month of August is going to be a busy one for us, we've got a lot happening.
On Thursday my little sister Leila is coming to visit! I get her all to myself, which never happens, for three days! I haven't seen her since Christmas and most likely will not go home till Christmas again this year, so I was sooo happy that she had a chance to visit.
Also, next week Sherri (my mother-in-law) is coming for education week, I went one day with her last year and had a great time. Seeing her is always so fun, and makes me not miss home as much because she brings the Texas vibe with her.... hahha
I am starting my internship next week too, I am really looking forward to it.
And..... I am turning 23! Woo-hoo, so overall a busy month.

As a side note: Harley seems to have become a rebellious teen overnight. The last few nights he has woken up around 2 or 4 and just wanted to play, which was NOT happening.. he is also biting a lot more, even though he is playing he knows it is wrong, but he is just set on testing us. I came home yesterday and a book that has been on the coffee table for forever was shredded(just the cover). But it is so weird that he had not interest in it before. We have noticed though that once we leave him longer than about 6 hours, bad things start to happen.
Yesterday morning we woke up to find his whole snout area swollen, it was curved up like a bird beak, he looked so funny. Anyway we took him to the vet and she said it was most likely a bug bite...really... well there goes $40 for a exam that did nothing. He weighs 62 Pounds now, and he is not stopping. We switched him over to Science Diet because he has a really sensitive stomach, so I am hoping that this food will help him feel better. It does cost a bit more but you actually feed them less because it has more calories and fat so it is not that bad.
It is a good thing I am writing this and keeping a record of Harley's growth and development, I am sure I will make myself read it before we decide to get another puppy! As bad as we want a playmate for our little guy, we are not ready for another tazmaniam devil child!
But I will say this, for all the stress and irritation that Harley brings, he brings 100 times more love and satisfaction:) What could you want more than a sweet little puppy running up to the fence to greet you when you come home! When one of us(Scott or I) are gone, he feels that separation, he is always looking outside waiting for the other to come home, he knows who his "Pappa" is, and he knows what our cars look like too, (we park alongside our house, so he can see us pull up)! So cute!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why I won't miss Utah

Today I had the lovely priveledge of going to a Otolaryngologist, or however you spell it. An ear, nose and throat doctor. Now for all you skeptics out there who think I am a hypochondriac, screw you! Haha just kidding, but seriously don't judge, I have honestly not been able to breathe through my nose for about six months. Yes some days are a little better than others, but overall by the end of every day I am about in tears from the stress of a constant swollen nose and throat. Just ask Scott. Anyway, in the beginning when it started(around February) I thought it was just a cold, a really bad cold that would not go away. Then as weeks and months went by I realized that I was not sick, I just could not breathe. My throat started to feel swollen, making me swallow constantly and irritate it further. Anyway I was just so puzzled about why this was happening, because I have never had allergies or problems like this. Well when I went to see this doctor today he examined me by sticking various instruments up my nose, one of which was so long it extended down into my throat. Yes, it was just as fun as it sounds. But it was really good that I went because I found out a lot about myself that I was unaware of. One thing that is unrealated is that I have tiny tonsils. Anyway, after looking at me the doctor said my adenoids were huge, he compared them to a five year olds (Did not mean much to me), he also said that my right side has a deviated septum. I knew that I had more difficulty breathing through my right side, but when he showed me the images I could actually see that my right side had about half of the opening compared to the left. Crap!! He also said that the cause of my swollen throat is reflux, which is hard for me to beleive because I have no symptoms apart from my throat. He showed me the specific part of your throat that is mainly affected by relfux, mine was red and inflamed, he said on a scale of one to ten my throat was an eight, yeah tell me about it....
Anyway the reason for the "Why I won't miss Utah title" is becasue I am convinced that the horrible pollution is a main reason for my problems. Don't get me wrong I love Utah, but the combination of dry air(after living in Texas), and the horrible pollution has not been good for me. He said it was very likely that they were the main contributors. So now for the next month I will be shooting nasal steroids up my nose, and I also have to by one of those Grandpa foam wedge pillows that will help me sleep upright. I am not trying to be a whiner but I am praying that this is not a temporary thing. Sorry about the complaining, if anyone has had similar problems let me know, I am always looking for advice. I know nobody probably reads my blog but o-well!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Here are a few pictures from our last four months with Harley! They are not in any order, but you can see how much he has grown! We love him so much!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Power Pump

So anyone who has ever been to Power Pump at Golds Gym, or any kind of weight-lifting class, you know that they are killer. I mean they are sooo hard, I am constantly looking at the clock counting down, but I love it because it does amazing things for your body. I feel so good when it is over, and I am forced to lift weights, which I would not do enough otherwise. Anyway,the point of this blog is to poke fun at Scott, because he came with me last night to it!
HAHA Ha...very funny. First of all it was funny seeing him warm up, doing all these aerobic excersizes (he is a big guy), and next, it was so funny to see the realization in his eyes when he figured out that this class was not going to be easy breezy. First we did squats, and then we did a ton of lunges...and I could tell he was thinking..Holy Crap! And he looked at me halfway through the lunges, and perhaps I was smirking a bit, and he said, "Well, it's harder for me because I am heavier, so I have more weight to carry." Oh really...... haha anyway we were both dying throughout the class, but after it he said he wanted to start going more, and that it was a great workout. So girls, if you want your husband to be sympathetic towards you and appreciate how hard you work out, just make them go with you. Then they will actually be able to empathize!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer :)

It has been a while since my last post, and I really need to post some pictures...
For the 4th of July Scott's family had their family reunion in Park City, Scott and I could only stay for a day but drove up the next few days for half day trips...that's what happens when you have a puppy at home. I Love Scott's family! We have sooo much fun together. And not just his Dad, Mom, sister and brother (who I love so much), but his Grandparents, cousins, Aunt and Uncle. They are the greatest bunch of people, I always feel so welcome, loved, and have so much fun! I look forward to the fourth every year because I love the closeness that I feel with these people, I am so lucky! We drove up on Saturday night and had dinner, leaving Harley behind to torture this nice family that agreed to watch Then Sunday we had breakfast and went to the Park City Parade, which is always interesting.. later that night we got to watch the fireworks, and we seriously had the best seats. We were right under them, and their were like fifteen of us all huddled together with blankets! It was not suppose to be cold!

We came back Monday and did the zip line in Park City and the alpine slide, always fun. I love going up in the lifts, it's so peaceful and pretty. Park City is really one of the most beautiful places, I really enjoy it. My body doesn't enjoy the added elevation though, it is kind of funny how out of breath we all got just walking up a hill.

Other news: Our sweet boy Harley (our puppy) is almost 60 pounds! YIKES! We still are not sure when he will stop growing, but most likely he will put on another 20 pounds or so. He is so big now that I can barely remember the days when he was a cute, fluffy, twenty pound baby. He is almost seven months old, and he certainly is learning and developing quickly. We had a scare the other day that hit me hard, I came home and Harley had eaten a bag of grapes, which are toxic to dogs. I took him to the Animal Hospital and they made him throw up and get all the grapes out. I really was not that scared until they took him back and I sat there alone thinking the worst..of course. Anyway he is 100% fine, their was no kidney damage and he is just as crazy. He is learning not to jump and play bite as much, but I have a feeling it will take several more months of work. He finally realized that he is fully capable of jumping up on the bed my himself, and now comes zooming in our bedroom randomly and tackles us! My favorite moments are when he is sleepy, because that is when he cuddles. Sometimes in the morning when he takes a nap I pull him onto the couch, or after Scott leaves in the morning he will come onto the bed and lay by me. He is so sweet and we love him so much! It really breaks my heart to know that their are so many animals out there without homes, waiting for people to come and love them. If I can say one thing I will say: ADOPT! Seriously I think it is fairly ridiculous to breed dogs when their are millions without homes. Harley was in a shelter for for two months before we adopted him, and it is sad to say but most shelters are less than sanitary, and not suitable for the number of animals that they hold. Also, in my opinion, shelter animals are more loving and really appreciate people more. Sorry about that rant, it is something I am really passionate about, animals have the sweetest spirits and they give love continuously.
on a side note: Harley is a little devil who likes to test out patience daily by:
Playing Keep away with pretty much any object that he knows is not a toy.
Play biting for attention
Waking us up at six every morning
Peeing all over himself (he pees like a girl dog)
Jumping in between Scott and I whenever we kiss( Harley cannot stand not being the center of attention)

Some of his favorite things to steal and play with are: my shoes(especially flip-flops), my bras-All the Time, toilet paper rolls, silverware, and he has managed to destroy our entire set of measuring cups.
-The other day he snatched an entire block of cheese off the counter, luckily I got it out of his mouth.

We also found this little creek area by our house and Harley loves it! He loves to jump in and get wet, not too wet but enough to cool off. It is fun to watch him in the water. He also had his first play date on Sunday, the vet was telling us how important it is to socialize him, and I always feel bad because he loves playing with other dogs. A couple from our ward have a lab and she is so sweet, Harley was more than excited to see her. They had a lot of fun and ran around for a while, Harley was exhausted after! YAY!

Scott and I: Scott and I have had fun this last month and a half working together at Riverside. Even though we rarely see each other, we get to spend a few minutes talking together and it is just nice to know we are together. We have both been taking summer classes as well, but in the fall Scott will continue and I will be....finished. It has been hard to face that fact, especially considering I will still be working at Riverside..making minimum wage...serving people food. But on a happier note, I am going to be doing an internship for a program through United Way called Welcome baby. I am really excited about it, I know I am going to learn so much. Scott and I are a lot busier than the first half of the summer, but being busy really makes you appreciate the slow moments more.
Scott and I have had a very challenging first year of marriage together, I have had various health problems and through them he has been there to love and support me. We are so much stronger as a couple than a year ago, and I am glad we found out early on how much work a marriage really does take. I love Scott so much and the little family that we are! It has almost been 1 year and 3 months, and it has flowwwn by.
This post has been kind of boring because it lacks pictures, but those will come shortly:)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life Lately

Well these past few weeks have been pretty stressfull with finals and trying to find a job and everything else, and along with that Harley boy is growing faster than we can handle!
Last week was my "Graduation," I walked but technically I am not graduated because I still have three classes left, which I start Thursday....bummer. I am still looking for a job, and Scott is going to summer school and working at the Golf Course. We are enjoying Harley, even though he is teething and a crazy boy! He had his eye surgery two weeks ago for his inverted eye lid, and it went great! His stitches already came out, and I can tell he feels so much better. He has already been through so much in his short life, and we love him so much! We weighed him last week.... when we got him a month and a half ago he weighed 20 pounds, last week he weighed 35! I don't even want to think about where he will end up!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Harley Boy!

Harley is getting so big, in one of the videos you'll see how he had to eat before we got him bowls that stand higher up, and after with his big boy bowls, he is so happy with them!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nothing New

Well, like the title says, nothing new has been going on.... Scott's last day of school is tomorrow, then he gets two weeks off..woo-hoo..(not really). I have four or five days of class left, then I get a week off and go back, but I only go back for three more classes!! Yay!!!
I am not stressed out at all this semester for finals, mostly because two of my professors teach two of my classes, so it really is not bad. Other than that I have been interviewing for a couple of jobs..still I know! Hopefully soon I will be joining the workforce once again.
Other news..our puppy:) Harley. We have had him for three weeks now, and it seems like we have never been without him, (except for seven in the morning wake up calls). He is so sweet and loving, but is unfortunately sprouting all of his teeth right now..teething sucks! He has so much anxiety from it that he goes crazy sometimes, so we try to get him to eat ice to numb his gums but is does not really work. He is so smart though, he can already sit, shake, and stay. But...he LOVES to dig ,and it makes me so sad. He is very defiant too because he knows it is wrong and does it more so for attention, he is a constant attention seeker. He is super fast too, and I swear he could run for hours if we would let him. Anyway we love him very much and are getting a small taste of what a child would be like...
no thanks (for now) :)

For Easter Scott's family was here, it was so fun! His mom and sister flew up, along with his Grandparents and his other family that lives in Utah. We went to Conference on Sunday, and spent time with the family. I love being around family, and getting to laugh and joke and enjoy everyone company. We are so blessed to have so many people who love and care about us, and I truly do love all of them!

Hopefully next time I blog finals will be over, Harley will have all his teeth in, and I will have a job. But more than likely this is will what have happened: Finals will be over but I will have done poorly, Harley will have put on another seven pounds and weigh 35 pounds at four months(yikes), and I will still be looking for a job..Lets hope for the best! :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A boredom post..

So..yes I am bored. I have been looking for a job for almost three months now, with no luck. It has been really hard because I HATE not working. More than anything, I would rather be working 50 hours a week, I hate sitting around. But I have a couple new possibilities so hopefully soon I will be working..Anyway, along with that we got a puppy! His name is Harley, he is a border collie/akita mix. and we adopted him from a homeless shelter in Murray. He is so sweet, but man it has been hard. He got fixed the day we picked him up, and along with that he has been a little sick, so honestly it has not been that fun so far! But everything will work out, it will just take time. His stitches are very itchy so he is constantly crying and trying to bite them, and he has to wear a cone so he is just going nuts. Poor baby!
Anyway other than that nothing else has been going on..Scott's Birthday is on Sunday, I can't believe he is going to be 24! Because it is his birthday I just want to say a little but about how much I love him.

So Scott, this is for you..:)

You are the sweetest, kindest, most caring and perfect husband in the world, I love you so much and being with you brings so much joy into my life. You are so smart, handsome, funny, and talented, and you are going to be a wonderful father some day. You have always been there for me, even before we really dated, you are my best friend and I am so lucky that I get to spend forever with you. Many times in my life I have hurt and throughout everything you have been there to hold my hand and stood by me. You know me better than anyone ever has or could and have always accepted me for who I am. You have never asked me to be someone I am not and you have no idea how that makes me feel. I could not be more happy to be married to you, I love you forever baby and wish every moment with you could be still:)

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have not posted anything in a while...mostly because we really have not been up to a whole lot. Scott started working at Riverside Country Club again..and I am still looking for a job....
Other than that we are both just focusing on school and loving life together!
We are both so blessed with great family and friends who we love so much, and we are so lucky to have that because not many people do. Anyway here are a few pictures from the last month, Valentines Day, and all that. Have a great day!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

No fun

Today has been a horrible day! Actually over the last few days I have been sick but today was just awful...I did not sleep at all last night, I have had the worst sinus problems,and nothing helps.(trust me i tried literally everything) Anyway It puts me in the worst mood because I am one of those people who freaks out when their nose is stuffy because I am not getting any air through my nose. Sudafed, tylenol sinus, cold pills, humidifier, everything has failed me. Anyway I can't quite figure out what is wrong with me because my throat has been sore for a while so I am going to try to go to the doctor soon. Sorry about the negative rant... anyway yesterday was great despite my nose not working. Scott and I went to Tucanos and then saw Valentine's Day, which was very funny but kind of an all over the place movie. Great night though...Scott and I have been married for nine months but this was our third Valentine's Day together, it is so crazy.. I love him so much and am so happy we are married!!!I love you Scott!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Scott and I have been trying to beat the original mario for what seems like forever, and tonight..we did! It was sweet success, but the first thing we did after we beat it was look at each other and we both said, "now what will we do?" yeah..we need jobs. Oh the joys of college.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So in January Scott and I decided we wanted to train for a half marathon. I ran cross country in high school so I thought it would be something that would get Scott and I really motivated to get into great shape. But along with this I have also had some health problems (that of course doctors can't figure out), so in the beginning I was not sure if I would be up to training. Anyway so all last month I pushed myself and just did not feel like I was getting any results, I could not get past three miles without feeling like I was going to pass out. It had me really upset because normally by then I would be able to run 4 or 5. But finally, yesterday, I had a breakthrough. It was just one of those days where your body feels great, and I was able to push myself and run for an hour straight! Almost six miles, farther than I have run in a few years at one time. Now that I have made it past three I am going to try to get to seven miles this month, it feels really great when you finally see and feel all your hard work pay off!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Scott about to go down the hill.....

Brad and Scott smiling for the camera!!!

Scott and I after a long day of sledding..

Monday, January 18, 2010

Who loves to eat? I do!!! I have been bad about eating late at night, and eating too much in general! I know when I am doing good because I wake up in the morning starving..don't you love when you wake up and your stomach is so skinny..well it might sound weird but that is one of my favorite things.. it makes me feel like I am making progress, I hate how I feel at night..all full and bloated(usually because I eat too much)..a little potbelly going and everything. Anyway this is a really random blog but that was what was on my mind!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Tonight was really funny, Scott and I went to eat at Spicy Thai, which turned out to be really good! Anyway before we went we were arguing about how we shouldn't be going out to eat since we both are currently..unemployed. After dinner we of course got two fortune cookies, mine said something dumb about how I am a good listener, but look at what Scott's said~ HAHA!
We are excited to finally be starting a blog! I am hoping it will encourage us to take more pictures together, something we have been terrible at so far! Scott and I are both looking for jobs right we have a lot of time on our hands. We are both also VERY busy with school...Scott has about a year and a half left and I will be done in August!!!YAY!