Friday, August 31, 2012

20 weeks! Halfway there..

Today I hit my 20 week mark, I am finally at the halfway point! In some ways it has gone by fast but I feel like the wait between each appt. has been long. I am especially looking forward to our next appt. where we get to see more and find out the measurements and things.
The little guy has been kicking and moving a lot! Some days more than others, but it is such a cool feeling! The other day Scott and I were watching my belly and it moved! It was weird because it is one thing to feel it inside you, but to see it from the outside was really cool. Scott likes to put his head on my stomach and feel, it is just becoming more real every day for us.
Harley seems to be unaware that I am pregnant, but who knows. He is always a snuggler so I guess I probably wouldn't notice if he was being more protective or anything. I know we need to transition him to getting used to not being the sole recipient of our affections, but it is hard because he is so cute!
This week Reed and Ryan (2 of my brothers) moved back to Texas. My brother Reed and his wife Diana decided kind of spur of the moment, and Ryan was already planning to visit there, but I don't know if he is coming back to Utah at all. So overall it is a bit lonely, especially since my close friend and her husband moved recently too...sad.
Scott is now in football season as a manager this year...again. Last night was the first night he had a game and he got home around 1:30 or sucks because I don't sleep very well. I am hoping I adjust better than I did last year, but I doubt it. He really enjoys it though and the benefits of it are good so it was hard not to do it, although the selfish side of me really really did not want him too.
As far as how I am feeling, I have been doing pretty good. The last few weeks my eating habit have been terrible, and it showed on the scale. But one day at a time I guess. I am starting to kind of waddle when I walk, which makes me feel awkward. My stomach has been itchy and feels tight especially on my sides. It is uncomfortable and I hope it doesn't feel like this the whole rest of my pregnancy. I have pretty much outgrown all my pants now, even with my belly band on they are still getting snug around the hips. I only have one pair of maternity work pants so I need to get some more soon. I think a few more stretch marks have appeared on my hips but I don't have any on my my stomach...yet.
I am trying to enjoy this stage of pregnancy because It is probably when I will feel my best. I know I have been lucky and had a pretty easy pregnancy so far, I hope it stays that way. Sleeping is becoming harder to do, but I did just get a giant pregnancy pillow, it is a little too big but I am sure it will come in handy over the next couple of months.
That's all for now, I am excited to have Monday off from work! Yay!

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