I will be 24 weeks pregnant on Friday, in some ways I can't believe it, in other ways, mostly other ways, I am thinking...okay this is dragging out! Haha, yeah I know I am a downer. I am at that point now where I weigh more than I have ever weighed, and don't feel like my stomach can stretch much more, but oh.. it will have to sooo much more! It's a little scary, but I know that pregnancy is a miracle and I am trying to enjoy the positive aspects.
I LOVE feeling my sweet little boy kick and move around, it has been by far the best part of being pregnant. Just to sit around with my hands on my tummy and feel those nudges and movements, nothing can compare. Today I had what I think was a braxton hick contraction, but after talking with the nurse I felt a little better, and now I know what warning signs to look for to determine if it is serious or not. Now my back is aching in a major way, but it is worth it for this little guy. There are so many scary things that happen during pregnancy that make you nervous, but I feel so happy and peaceful when I feel him kick and move. It does feel like I have forever to go, but I know that time will fly and before I know it he will be here. I feel very unprepared, especially for the birth, but then again that is probably my own fault, I have not been very diligent in preparing myself. Mostly I am scared about the pain, which is why I know an epidural is the way for me. I have always had super bad period cramps, and if labor pains are worse than those then I am done for. So I will definitely be going with that option, but the while labor thing is just scary anyway, because of all that can go wrong. Anyway that is my rant, I know I have a lot of learning to do, and this is my first pregnancy so it is a process.
I am sure every woman experiences this at some point while pregnant, but these last few weeks I have been having a hard time accepting the weight gain. Up until around 4 months I hardly had any, then it shot up really quickly, which I am sure is mostly my fault, I overindulged in a BIG way. Now I am coming to terms with the fact that I still have a long way to go, and if I keep going at the rate I have been I c could gain way more than I should. I know that I would regret that, and the after-effects on my body. So I am trying to eat healthier and indulge much less, it is hard because I want to tell myself, oh I am pregnant I can eat whatever I want. But the fact is that I do have to live with this body and I know I'll be much happier if I limit myself, obviously I know I am going to gain weight, but I do not need to be gaining weight at a rate of several pounds per week...yikes!
I am sure everyone feels this way, but I just feel so big, I feel like I look at least 7 months pregnant, and I am only almost 6! Being short is my downfall, it is all compacted and so my stomach, thighs and butt are huge!
Well that is it for now, baby boy is kicking and I need my hand to be free!
the weight gain is always hard for me to accept no matter how many times I do this! I just feel like I am always hungry so I still eat lots- but try to make it lots of healthy food and indulge my cravings in the smallest portions possible :) just know that for the most part you'll lose it all in a few months after and things get back to normal- its all worth it too!