I love this quote, it is on my desktop at work and I pretty much have it memorized. It is simple yet powerful, and it really speaks to me.
"Some murmur when the sky is clear and wholly bright to view,
If one small speck of dark appear in their great heaven of blue,
But some with thankful love are filled,
if but one streak of light,
one ray of God's good mercy gild the darkness of their night."
I find that I am so much happier when I am focusing on the good bright spots of life, the blessings, the times of joy and happiness, rather than the bad things. It would seem obvious, to focus on the good things, but sometimes it is easy to pick out the dark spots and focus on them. My goal is to try harder to appreciate all the good, and not ask why so much.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thoughts about the Scale
I read an article today about weighing yourself and how you can tell if you have an unhealthy realtionship with your scale. I have a few thoughts about weighing yourself that I just felt like writing down.
I am a big advocate of weighing yourself every day. Many people aren't, and I can see both sides. For me, I have learned pretty well over the past few years how my body works. It really is science, if you are putting in a certian number of calories and burning a certain amount, you will lose weight. So the reason I think weighing yourself every day is beneficial is because if you wake up in the morning and you have not lost any weight, you will know that you need to adjust your routine. Even if I only lose a fraction of a pound, I know I am on the right track. This is especially good for people who are unsure about the number of calories they need a day to lose or maitain their weight. When I calculate how many calories I need on one of those websites that will calculate it for you, it says around 2,000. I find that so funny, because I do not need that many calories at all. For me, if I ate that many per day I would gain weight. But it took me a while to figure out what I need to maintain and to lose weight. That is why I think weighing yourself daily is a good option.
Scott and I have had some debate over this one, for a while he was weighing himself only once a week. But it did not work very well. If you go a week without weighing yourself and see no improvement, it is such a letdown. But if you do it daily you can see that you need to make changes to see a difference in the next day. The only time I can see where weighing yourself weekly would be good would be if you were the type of person who usually eats the same amount of calories and types of foods every day and has no problem maintaining your weight. I am not like that at all, I will gain weight very quickly if I do not keep track of it reguarly. The article I read says that if you weigh yourself more than once a day, and dread getting on the scale, it is probably not a good thing. So make sure it is something that helps you for the good, and does not make you feel bad about yourself. For me if I see that I have gained weight I do get bummed, but I also get motivated to get back on track.
So try weighing yourself every morning for a week..you might like it.
I am a big advocate of weighing yourself every day. Many people aren't, and I can see both sides. For me, I have learned pretty well over the past few years how my body works. It really is science, if you are putting in a certian number of calories and burning a certain amount, you will lose weight. So the reason I think weighing yourself every day is beneficial is because if you wake up in the morning and you have not lost any weight, you will know that you need to adjust your routine. Even if I only lose a fraction of a pound, I know I am on the right track. This is especially good for people who are unsure about the number of calories they need a day to lose or maitain their weight. When I calculate how many calories I need on one of those websites that will calculate it for you, it says around 2,000. I find that so funny, because I do not need that many calories at all. For me, if I ate that many per day I would gain weight. But it took me a while to figure out what I need to maintain and to lose weight. That is why I think weighing yourself daily is a good option.
Scott and I have had some debate over this one, for a while he was weighing himself only once a week. But it did not work very well. If you go a week without weighing yourself and see no improvement, it is such a letdown. But if you do it daily you can see that you need to make changes to see a difference in the next day. The only time I can see where weighing yourself weekly would be good would be if you were the type of person who usually eats the same amount of calories and types of foods every day and has no problem maintaining your weight. I am not like that at all, I will gain weight very quickly if I do not keep track of it reguarly. The article I read says that if you weigh yourself more than once a day, and dread getting on the scale, it is probably not a good thing. So make sure it is something that helps you for the good, and does not make you feel bad about yourself. For me if I see that I have gained weight I do get bummed, but I also get motivated to get back on track.
So try weighing yourself every morning for a week..you might like it.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
NOOO!! Every year I feel like summer passes me by, and I always regret not spending more time outside. I feel like fall has started way too early this year, hopefully it will warm up again before it cools off for good, I mean c'mon, it's only September! Last night I went to Scott's softball game (granted I did go with semi-wet heair) and it was cold! I was angry that I could not wear short sleeves and be comfortable. I do loovee fall clothes and more of the sweater and boots and things, but I also love the warm sun and being outdoors. So I guess it was kind of a reality check for me that winter will be here before I know it, and I am going to try to spend more time outside. Harley may love having snow on the ground for months but I really donnn'ttt.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Nolan's Farwell

My little brother Nolan just left for the MTC. I, my brother Reed, and Scott were able to be with him up until he was wisked away by eager escorts (missionaries). Those were precious moments that I will treasure forever. It was very hard to say goodbye, which is why they have missionaries waiting to scoop him up the second he sets a foot outside the car door. If we had been able we would have hugged him and cried with him waaayy to long! So even though I was annoyed at the time, I guess it was probably a good thing. As I watched my little brother walk away from us up toward the MTC doors, I had the urge to run after him. Realizing that I won't see him for two years has proven to be heartbreaking, but I am so happy and excited for him. This is going to be one of the most rewarding and lifechanging experiences of his life. I am so proud of him and look forward to his letters and hearing about all his experiences over the next two years!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
California :)
Here are some pictures from my Brother-In-Law's wedding in California a few weeks ago. They were married in the San Diego Temple, and the reception was a few hours away. The wedding was on Saturday, and we were also able to go the the beach Friday and Sunday. It was so pretty there and so much fun!

Here we are at the beach in Newport, Erin (Brad's Wife) lives right on the beach so it was really fun to be there. On Sunday we took bikes and rode right along the beach, it was beautiful and really seemed like the ideal lifestyle to me, lol.
I also celebrated my 24th Birthday that weekend. It feels so weird to be that old, but at the same time I am happy where I am in my life with my husband and our little family. It is crazy that I moved to Utah when I was 20, I thought I would only be here for a few years, and now look at me! I have been sucked in to the "I'm waiting for my Husband to finish school" life. Not that I am sitting around doing nothing, but I am waiting to get out of Utah.... It has been hard living away from family, but at the same time it really makes me appreciate them even more. Also, my brother Nolan is flying here today, and going into the MTC tomorrow!!!!! I cannot believe that my little brother is all grown up and going to be serving in Buenos Aires for the next two years. I am so proud of him, and will miss him very much. I know he will be immensley blessed for serving the church and spreading the gospel. That's all that is new with my family and myself, I am looking to this next year of my life and all the possibilities in store :)
Monday, August 22, 2011
It's Been a While...
Yes it's been a while since my last post..what can I say my life is pretty boring. But after next week I will have some pictures and more to blog about because we are going to California on Thursday!! I am so excited, we have been looking forward to this trip for a verrrryy long time. Scott's Brother Brad and his fiancee Erin are getting married on Sat (also my 24th B-day). It is going to be one big party weekend. Scott's family is flying up and we are all going to be together for a few days :). They are getting married in the San Diego Temple, which will be so beautiful. We love Brad and Erin and are very excited for them and their special day coming up.
I am currently working at Riverside Country Club at the front desk, I am enjoying it and it has been fun to see old faces, as I worked there last summer also. The new clubhouse is open and it is very pretty. So I have been working full time, and Scott is of course really really busy because it is football season..yet again. Because he is a football manager he has to be at all the practices and games and everything, so I don't get to spend as much time with him as I would like.
It seems crazy that I graduated a year ago this month, I am starting to feel old. Now I just want Scott to finish school also!
When we are not working we are usually with our munchkin Harley, he is so fun and we love having him. He has had a lot of play dates lately, which has been fun for him and nice for us :) Sometimes I want to get another dog but with other dogs around for him to play with, I admit my desire is lessened.
Anyway that is what has been happening with us lately, like I said pretty boring. Life seems to fly by with everyday things, so it will be nice to have a mini vacation to take a break from it all.
California here we come!
I am currently working at Riverside Country Club at the front desk, I am enjoying it and it has been fun to see old faces, as I worked there last summer also. The new clubhouse is open and it is very pretty. So I have been working full time, and Scott is of course really really busy because it is football season..yet again. Because he is a football manager he has to be at all the practices and games and everything, so I don't get to spend as much time with him as I would like.
It seems crazy that I graduated a year ago this month, I am starting to feel old. Now I just want Scott to finish school also!
When we are not working we are usually with our munchkin Harley, he is so fun and we love having him. He has had a lot of play dates lately, which has been fun for him and nice for us :) Sometimes I want to get another dog but with other dogs around for him to play with, I admit my desire is lessened.
Anyway that is what has been happening with us lately, like I said pretty boring. Life seems to fly by with everyday things, so it will be nice to have a mini vacation to take a break from it all.
California here we come!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Our Cruise and 2 Year Anniversary!
Our Cruise!!

No I am not pregnant but trust me no one could have resisted this little dress.

Puerto Vallarta

Scott would lay in the water like that and pretent to be a beached whale for me. It was pretty funny, he will go to great lengths to make me laugh!

You can't really tell but the ship was HUGE!
No I am not pregnant but trust me no one could have resisted this little dress.
Puerto Vallarta
Scott would lay in the water like that and pretent to be a beached whale for me. It was pretty funny, he will go to great lengths to make me laugh!
You can't really tell but the ship was HUGE!
Scott and I have the great opportunity to go on a cruise from the 24th of April till the next Sunday. It was very fun and relaxing, and we stopped in Cabo and Puerto Vallarta. The first 2 days we were at sea, so we spent those laying out and exploring the ship. We ate sooooo much while we were there, my body is still thanking me for that in various ways. :)
Cabo definently had the best beach. The water was a little cold but still fun to play around in. The second stop had great little shops selling everything from clothes to pottery, it was a lot of fun! We did miss Harley but some friends from our ward were able to watch him, and I know he had the time of his life with them. Overall it was just so great to spend so much time with Scott, just the two of us. It was veerrrry hard going back to work!
Our anniversary was on Friday, and we did not make any big plans because we both had to work. But Scott did suprise me and had 3 dozen roses delivered to my work. It was very cute/embarrassing! I loved them though and it was so sweet. I can't believe how fast these two years have flown by, I am so lucky, and so in love :) Scott has been such an amazing partner in all that we have experienced. We have had many unexpected struggles and he always tries to be optomistc and encouraging. He is my best friend and someone who I can tell anything and be exactly who I am. He makes my laugh and smile and roll my eyes. He knows just how to calm me when I am upset, and is a great example to me. We have so much fun being together, and when we are apart I just want the time to pass quickly till we are together again. He is so excited to become a Daddy someday, and I know he will be a great one. He works hard for us and I don't show enough appreciation for that. He is goofy and silly and very charming, I am so blessed to be with him. I look forward to being together forever with him, sometimes I wish life would pass more slowly but I guess all you can do is try to live in the moment!
I am so blessed to be part of Scott's Family, as well as my own. They have supported us and encouraged us in all that we do. They are so much fun to be with, and we are anxious to be with them and move closer.
I am also soo proud of my brother Nolan, he recieved his mission call to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am SO excited for my little brother, and I admire him so much. He is coming to live here in Utah for the summer to attend BYU for a summer semester before he leaves, and I am looking forward to spending more time with him.
Harley is still our little baby, and I am very happy to say that he is finally maturing into and adult, slowly but surely. It is funny but when you get a puppy at such a young age, you see them go through all these stages. Some have come then come back, but over the last few months he has really become much calmer and sweeter. Yesterday we were at Scott's softball game, and this little girl came up and asked to pet Harley. Normally I hold him very tight so he won't jump, but he was great! He just sat there and let her pet him, did not jump, did tricks we she asked him to, he was soooo sweet. It may not seem like much but when you have a 70 lb. puppy who is at least twice the size of the child, it is a big deal to see him behave so well. I was so proud of him. He really loves children, and I think he is realizing that he has to act a certain way around them, but I am happy that he enjoys being around them. I can't wait for him to be our child's best friend and protector, he is such a sweet boy and we love him so much. He still like to snuggle with us and yes he is very spoiled when it comes to being petted, but nothing makes me smile more than coming home to Scott and a puppy with his tail wagging, I know if he could talk he would be saying. "Mommy I love you I am so excited you are home I missed you so much!" I am very lucky to be the type of person who appreciates and accepts all the love animals have to offer, he has made our lives so much better and I can't imagine being without him.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
New Hair!
I got a perm! And this post does not contain any pics of it, but I will post some soon, I am still getting used to it and trying to figure out how to work with it. I went to Taylor Andrews in Orem where I usually get my hair cut. I have a lottt of hair, and if they did a bad job it would not really matter too much. It took 5 hours!! It was soo long, but like I said, I have a lot of hair. The girl who did it was really nice and we talked and it went by pretty fast until the end. The chemicals they put in where not too bad either, they made my scalp itch a little but really not bad at all. I tried getting a perm a year or so ago and had no success, and I got it done at a professional salon, so I was unsure that it would work this time around. But lo and behold after she rinsed I saw bouncy curls, I wanted more waves than curls but they are not really acheivable with a perm. But now my hair is curly, I like it but after a day of not washing it is starts to lose the curl and needs to be wet again. Anyway it is great because I can just get out of the shower and put some product in it and it looks great. It will especially be nice when we go on our cruise in a few weeks since we will be spending so much time in the sun and at the poool probably. I have always been so envious of curly-haired people, so I am really happy that I tried something new, it's a fun change!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Monday-will it be a fun day?
Mondays are hard days for me because lately I never know if I will work. My working on Mondays depends on how much work we get in to do, and Mondays have been really slow lately. So this morning I was about to walk out the door when BAM! I got the text saying I did not need to come in...bummmerrrr. They never know hwe much work we will get in till right before I get there also, so it really sucks, but I know it really is no one's fault. Anyway, I never plan anything fun because I never know if it will happen, so who knows what I will do today, I wish it was summer!
Days till our cruise: 41 :) I am so excited.
Harley is obsessed with destroying soft fluffy things. We realized this will not be good when we have kids, so we are trying to teach him to be gentle and get used to having teddy bears around. Look how annoyed he looks! Hahaha
Thursday, March 3, 2011

It has been waay to long since my last post, I really need to do better. The last few months have flown by, but at the same time not much has happened. One awesome bit of info, we booked our cruise today! WOO-HOO! We are doing the Mexican Riveria cruise at the end of April, I am very excited. I have never been on a vacation like that, and it will be right around out 2nd anniversary <3>

We also made each other valentines, one for each day leading up to v-day for a week! Here is one Scott made me...
Other news: Work work work, school school school.
Picture Time :)
Valentine Sushi: two twinkies sliced and decorated = dessert sushi. It was really fun!
We also made each other valentines, one for each day leading up to v-day for a week! Here is one Scott made me...
Well that is pretty much what is new with us... I am sooo excited for summer. I am sick sick sick of winter. I am sick of colds and ice and crunchy snow and being frozen all the time. I want the warm sun on my skin and sunblock and walks and leaving the doors open all day. I can't wait.
It is crazy that it is already March, time flies so quickly when you are busy and working all the time. Some of my goals this year are to run a 5k and 10k, get past certain health issues, and spend as much time as possible with my little family that I love.... life is too busy for a ton of stuff right now but hopefully it will settle down eventually.
Scott and I's newest orkout together is kickboxing! I really recommed it to anyone wanting a good cardio, fast-paced workout. You get to punch and kick the daylights out of a bag and jump around, it's great. Plus we had to buy gloves to wear so I feel all tough when I wear them...haha
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