Here we are at the beach in Newport, Erin (Brad's Wife) lives right on the beach so it was really fun to be there. On Sunday we took bikes and rode right along the beach, it was beautiful and really seemed like the ideal lifestyle to me, lol.
I also celebrated my 24th Birthday that weekend. It feels so weird to be that old, but at the same time I am happy where I am in my life with my husband and our little family. It is crazy that I moved to Utah when I was 20, I thought I would only be here for a few years, and now look at me! I have been sucked in to the "I'm waiting for my Husband to finish school" life. Not that I am sitting around doing nothing, but I am waiting to get out of Utah.... It has been hard living away from family, but at the same time it really makes me appreciate them even more. Also, my brother Nolan is flying here today, and going into the MTC tomorrow!!!!! I cannot believe that my little brother is all grown up and going to be serving in Buenos Aires for the next two years. I am so proud of him, and will miss him very much. I know he will be immensley blessed for serving the church and spreading the gospel. That's all that is new with my family and myself, I am looking to this next year of my life and all the possibilities in store :)
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