My little brother Nolan just left for the MTC. I, my brother Reed, and Scott were able to be with him up until he was wisked away by eager escorts (missionaries). Those were precious moments that I will treasure forever. It was very hard to say goodbye, which is why they have missionaries waiting to scoop him up the second he sets a foot outside the car door. If we had been able we would have hugged him and cried with him waaayy to long! So even though I was annoyed at the time, I guess it was probably a good thing. As I watched my little brother walk away from us up toward the MTC doors, I had the urge to run after him. Realizing that I won't see him for two years has proven to be heartbreaking, but I am so happy and excited for him. This is going to be one of the most rewarding and lifechanging experiences of his life. I am so proud of him and look forward to his letters and hearing about all his experiences over the next two years!
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