Tuesday, September 13, 2011


NOOO!! Every year I feel like summer passes me by, and I always regret not spending more time outside. I feel like fall has started way too early this year, hopefully it will warm up again before it cools off for good, I mean c'mon, it's only September! Last night I went to Scott's softball game (granted I did go with semi-wet heair) and it was cold! I was angry that I could not wear short sleeves and be comfortable. I do loovee fall clothes and more of the sweater and boots and things, but I also love the warm sun and being outdoors. So I guess it was kind of a reality check for me that winter will be here before I know it, and I am going to try to spend more time outside. Harley may love having snow on the ground for months but I really donnn'ttt.

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