I read an article today about weighing yourself and how you can tell if you have an unhealthy realtionship with your scale. I have a few thoughts about weighing yourself that I just felt like writing down.
I am a big advocate of weighing yourself every day. Many people aren't, and I can see both sides. For me, I have learned pretty well over the past few years how my body works. It really is science, if you are putting in a certian number of calories and burning a certain amount, you will lose weight. So the reason I think weighing yourself every day is beneficial is because if you wake up in the morning and you have not lost any weight, you will know that you need to adjust your routine. Even if I only lose a fraction of a pound, I know I am on the right track. This is especially good for people who are unsure about the number of calories they need a day to lose or maitain their weight. When I calculate how many calories I need on one of those websites that will calculate it for you, it says around 2,000. I find that so funny, because I do not need that many calories at all. For me, if I ate that many per day I would gain weight. But it took me a while to figure out what I need to maintain and to lose weight. That is why I think weighing yourself daily is a good option.
Scott and I have had some debate over this one, for a while he was weighing himself only once a week. But it did not work very well. If you go a week without weighing yourself and see no improvement, it is such a letdown. But if you do it daily you can see that you need to make changes to see a difference in the next day. The only time I can see where weighing yourself weekly would be good would be if you were the type of person who usually eats the same amount of calories and types of foods every day and has no problem maintaining your weight. I am not like that at all, I will gain weight very quickly if I do not keep track of it reguarly. The article I read says that if you weigh yourself more than once a day, and dread getting on the scale, it is probably not a good thing. So make sure it is something that helps you for the good, and does not make you feel bad about yourself. For me if I see that I have gained weight I do get bummed, but I also get motivated to get back on track.
So try weighing yourself every morning for a week..you might like it.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
NOOO!! Every year I feel like summer passes me by, and I always regret not spending more time outside. I feel like fall has started way too early this year, hopefully it will warm up again before it cools off for good, I mean c'mon, it's only September! Last night I went to Scott's softball game (granted I did go with semi-wet heair) and it was cold! I was angry that I could not wear short sleeves and be comfortable. I do loovee fall clothes and more of the sweater and boots and things, but I also love the warm sun and being outdoors. So I guess it was kind of a reality check for me that winter will be here before I know it, and I am going to try to spend more time outside. Harley may love having snow on the ground for months but I really donnn'ttt.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Nolan's Farwell

My little brother Nolan just left for the MTC. I, my brother Reed, and Scott were able to be with him up until he was wisked away by eager escorts (missionaries). Those were precious moments that I will treasure forever. It was very hard to say goodbye, which is why they have missionaries waiting to scoop him up the second he sets a foot outside the car door. If we had been able we would have hugged him and cried with him waaayy to long! So even though I was annoyed at the time, I guess it was probably a good thing. As I watched my little brother walk away from us up toward the MTC doors, I had the urge to run after him. Realizing that I won't see him for two years has proven to be heartbreaking, but I am so happy and excited for him. This is going to be one of the most rewarding and lifechanging experiences of his life. I am so proud of him and look forward to his letters and hearing about all his experiences over the next two years!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
California :)
Here are some pictures from my Brother-In-Law's wedding in California a few weeks ago. They were married in the San Diego Temple, and the reception was a few hours away. The wedding was on Saturday, and we were also able to go the the beach Friday and Sunday. It was so pretty there and so much fun!

Here we are at the beach in Newport, Erin (Brad's Wife) lives right on the beach so it was really fun to be there. On Sunday we took bikes and rode right along the beach, it was beautiful and really seemed like the ideal lifestyle to me, lol.
I also celebrated my 24th Birthday that weekend. It feels so weird to be that old, but at the same time I am happy where I am in my life with my husband and our little family. It is crazy that I moved to Utah when I was 20, I thought I would only be here for a few years, and now look at me! I have been sucked in to the "I'm waiting for my Husband to finish school" life. Not that I am sitting around doing nothing, but I am waiting to get out of Utah.... It has been hard living away from family, but at the same time it really makes me appreciate them even more. Also, my brother Nolan is flying here today, and going into the MTC tomorrow!!!!! I cannot believe that my little brother is all grown up and going to be serving in Buenos Aires for the next two years. I am so proud of him, and will miss him very much. I know he will be immensley blessed for serving the church and spreading the gospel. That's all that is new with my family and myself, I am looking to this next year of my life and all the possibilities in store :)
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